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Show TlTAll STATE .NEWS The onenmpment of tho (Imnil Array of tho Itejiubllc will bo held In Salt, laleo City In 1909. , W. I), awllllnm, a pioneer of Wqm . scr comity, died nt Hooper on tho 22nd, at the ngo of 73. Tho Swedish Lutheran church, whlclv has been built nt Park City nt a cost A $1,500, was dedlcntod on Sunday. At least 4,000 peoplo from nelghborw Ing towns celebrated with tho people of Ilrlgham City on Peach dny, on tlia 18th. James J. llnyes, n well-known malt of Ely, Nevada, died suddenly in nit Ogden rooming house, after a pro-meted pro-meted spreo. Mrs. Ann Hadlock, an ngod lady ot Ogden, fell down fotir Btops at lior home anil slruck on her fnoe, sustaining sustain-ing fcerlous"lnJurles. Tho Utah State fair Is to fall (nlto lino with the latest speed fad nnd vrlll, . Inaugurate somo nutomobllo races for tho last day of tho fnlr. Tho heirs of S. 8. Llndeni.in, who . was Btruck and killed by a streot car in Salt Lake City last May, have sued tho company for $50,000. Tho entries In tho poultry department depart-ment for tho Utah State fair aro already al-ready so heavy that It Is Imperative that the accommodations bo enlarged. Henry Ames, of Ixignn. while driving; to Hyntm, wns shot In tho neck by a-t-mall boy who was practicing with n 22-cnllbro rllle. Ames was not badly Injured. ,' John and ."lane Helcher, of Ogden. ' celebrated the fiftieth anniversary oC their marriage ono day last week, Thoy havo been residents of Ogden for ovor twenty yoars. Mis. Thomas E, Marriott, of SHndy. "' was probnbly fatally Injured In a collision col-lision of n Missouri Pacific passongnr tialn nnd a Utirllngton switch ongluc at St. Joseph, Mo. Judgment for $500 was nwnrded to James Andrus last week for Injurlos received to a leg In n railroad accident acci-dent on tho Sanpcto Vnlloy railroad, neor Mantt, last July. E, N. Hyan, a laborer, has- boon arrested ar-rested In Salt Lako City on a charge ' of highway robbery, It being charged that ho held up a railroad man, sccur lng $125 from his victim. In a train wreck 75 miles west or Ogden, on .tho Southern Pacific, Fireman Fire-man Ncwhall and Drakcmnn Ulmer, of Ogden, wero killed and Conductor" Creamer, of Ogden, Injured. ' Hlchnrd P. Morris, former mayor at Salt Lako City, and Democratic nominee nom-inee for that office this year, wns th ' foreman of a Jury which Inst week convicted con-victed John Fleming of robbery. ' In Ogdon the prlco or coal has been advanced to $0.80 a ton. A protest Ib,l being mado by tho citizens, and It is. . , J sK probnblo tho matter will bo brought to- , '? - Vn the attention or tho grand Jury. , ' , A balky team or horsCB attached to a hay wagon backed Into a Btreet car - In Salt Lako City, -tho conductor anil soveral passengers on tho car being: ' Injured as a result or tho collision. CliemlstB who havo recently mado nn nnalysis or tho water funilshcd Urn peoplo ot Ogden by tho Ogden Wnter- works company declare It Is chemically-pure, chemically-pure, thus settling n controversy which has been In progress ror come tlmo. Mrs. Colin N. Summers, wife of n Salt Lako bartender. Is In a precarious condition and may die us tlio result of a beating administered by her husband.. hus-band.. Summers Ir under arrest, and will bo tried for murder If tlio woman ' dies. Claud Clark, tho negro who shot and: killed Lowls Jones whllo engaged In. an altercation with nnothcr negro In Ogden, will bo tried on tho charge or murder In the first degree. Clark claims tho Bhootlng of Jones was acct- ' dental. The next official postal guide, Issued ' In October, will not contain the name of North Ogden, for September 30 tho postoinco there will bp nbollHhed and a now postolflco, known ns station No. 4 of tho Ogden postolllce will bo opened. The now-B comes from 'tho Idil sugar sug-ar factory that tho lonnnge, though not so much to the aero as last year. Is nbovo tho avorngo season's crop nnd tho 9,000 ncres will produce probably prob-ably tho greatost gross tonnago In. tho factory's history. Tho members of the stato lond board ' and tho state englnoor have mado "n porsonnl Inspection of tho lands In Sanjieto and Sevier countios proposed " to bo brought Into n state of cultivation culti-vation If tho reservoir project contain" ' plated by the board Is rarrlod throiiRh. Tho Utah natlonnl banks outsldo- ' (if Salt Lake earrlod $I,C25,I91 loans - and discounts August 22, Uio date cm , ' which tho comptroller of the currency ( required n Btntomont of conditions. Th samo banks had $279,057 gold In their , ' reserves and carried n llttlo over $5.- " 000,000 ot dopoBlts. ' - ,'' Provo Is without a city health ofllcor 'f bocauso Dr. Slater, who wns olooted by tho council, has resigned on aui.unl of tho small salary provided. Dr. 81a-tor's 81a-tor's resignation follows cpilckly after " the action of the modlcal society, whluli deprecated the Bmallness of tho salary as fixed by the council. - ,-; Geoi-go A. Chase, minor of Eureka, was seriously Injured last week. Sqv- ' , oral or tho omployes. Including Chase, wero sentod noar tho compressor at tho head of the hoUt ontlng their ' supper when Chaso's right leg In sonw R? manner got caught botweon tho drlv- ? lng rod nnd tho flywheol. To safogiiard tho health of children ,' attonCIng the public schools. :he Salt Lake board of education will iionce- '' I forth require n health certificate or V' oyery child wUh'i.g to re-enter school '.-'' after having been oxcludod by reasons rea-sons of Infectious or rontuglou dJo-cata dJo-cata In the pupU'B fumllv |