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Show I 0. T. MEAD LYNNDLE, - - UTAH Has just opened up in one of the Finest Stores in Millard County with, a Complete Stock of General Merchandise, New and Cheap We toIic.it your patronage and will treat you right at all times 0asis Cash Store JOHN DEWSNUP, Proprietor Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Flour, Hay, and Grain Produce taken in Exchange Oa.sls - - Utah To spend a few weeks or a few Sf'lvN months during the Fall or Winter rCft") in xgigy CALIFORNIA l IZIS A TREAT ."be "Salt bke Route" is the Direct Line to the Pacific Coast, Cornfield and Tonopri Three Daily Trains Electric Lighted Observation Cars Fat Tkkrti of information mo any Salt Lk Root Afrnt, or writ J. H- MANDERF1ELD, A. CP. A. Salt Lake City, Utah Burtner Cement Block Company We are manufacturing Hollow Concrete Blocks I I For Building Purposes The most satisfactory material found for Foundations and Walls COOL IN SUMMER, WARM IN WINTER Let us figure with you on your next building Durtncr Utah I Hub Mercantile & Produce Co. JOHN E. STEELE, Manager . ! General Merchandise, Furniture, Hay, Grain i Farm Implements, Machinery and Hardware I Anything $ou want, and if wc haven I got it me are the people i that can get it for you Burtner - Utah I Deseret Cash Store JOHN DEWSNUP, Proprietor Groceries, Provisions, Clothing, Boots and shoes, Gents Furnishings, Notions, Harness, Crockery, Tinware, etc My Stock it Large and Prices Reasonable. nescret ; Utah H. F. STOUT General Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing Wagons, Carriages, and Farm Machinery Repaired Call on me when you want a gcot job done in a hurry. Hinckley : Utah BURTNER LUMBER CO. All Kinds of Lumber, Building Material, Builders' Hardware Etc. Eitimale furnished for any (ind of a Building, and Central toJfcenof thtir construction. Burtner : Utah S. W. WESTERN i Blacksmith ; I and Wheelwright j Honeshoeing done and Wagon, and Farm Implement Promptly Repaired. Price Reasonable Dww - Utah |