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Show THE UTAH BUDGET me town of CuiiiiImui now boasts Tlectrlc. lights. A local company has been organized at Fphralm for tliw purpose of building build-ing a 120,000 business block. The Weber club of Rdeii has gone on record as favoring the commission form of government for that city. The Tooele postofflce Is to be established es-tablished on the lower floor of the new $10,000 Odd Fellow temple to bo built In that city. An attempt to reopen the pariibllnn bouses in Park City has resulted lu tho Inauguration of a lively fluht between be-tween the city, and county officials. Arrangements for holding the sixth annual convention of the Ftah Statu Horticultural society February 16 and 17, In Ilrlgbam City, are practically completed. A four-year-old boy of I-ewlston, the .son of Willlar liner, shot and killed his ten months-old sister while playing play-ing with a target rifle which was suit-posed suit-posed to be unloaded. Seventy-four boys havo been enlist-d enlist-d In tho Provo troop of the Hoy Scouts. The ages of the recruits range v from 10 to 17 years, 10 to 19 being he age limit for enlistment. A number of Sprlngvllle buslii"ss men and other progressive citizens have organized an association to boost Sprlngvllle. The organization will be known as the Sprlngvllle Boosters club. The annual convention of tho Ftah State Dairymen's nstioclatlon, to bo held In igan Saturday, February 4, will be a big affair if the plans aro (carried out us they have been arranged. ar-ranged. Slipping and falling Into a shaft 'where fourteen blasts had been set, .Frank Williams, a hoist man In the ', Highland lloy tunnel, at Illngham, was - caught In the explosion and blown Into fragments, Mrs. Henry Wlcas, a well known German nurn; of Salt Lake, has JiHt learned that she has been left a leg- aey of S,000 by a former patient N whom she had not heard from for twenty years. Senator Jlenner X. Smith of Salt Lake Is preparing a bill providing fur ft commission form of government for cities of the first and second classes, J which will bo Introduced In the state legislature soon. Thomas Corbet, the 19-year-old boy who tried to rob Jacob Albertson at Spanish Fork on JVnuary 19, has been sent buck to the stato Industrial -r 8' J'JJ, 'JS'M'UI leea.4m-t leea.4m-t r oned'irTritirfTniTltago. Champ Clark, leader of the liemoc- -racy and speaker of tho next house, la to be heard by Salt Lakers iu tho near future, arrangements having been made for Mr. Clark to lecture In the capital city on April 6. The Plutsch gas works at Ogden U to be enlarged and the capacity greatly great-ly Increased. The gas made at Og den has been used for years in lighting light-ing all the pasMengcr couches of the llarrlmsn and tiould lines. Confidence In Salt Lake property and In the material growth of the city and state marked the sentiment predominating the "boosters'" banquet ban-quet of tho real estate dealers held in Salt Luke last week. Mrs. Llllle Rogers, the Salt Lake r woman who, on Janaury 17, shot I Ilruce Tlngey in the back, has been M dismissed from custody, Tlngey rcfus- ( Ing to prosecute. The shooting was the outcome of a lovers' quarrel. Caught In the belt of a discharge pump, Jay T. Roundy, aged thirty-one years, formerly of Salt Iiko, was wound around the main power shaft to the plant of the Daisy Mining & Milling company In Mercur, and Instantly In-stantly killed. Despondent over his Inability to se- c cure employment, Joseph F. Crltch- t low, aged 37, attempted .suicide In ( Ogden, injecting a solution of Ilichlo- a ride of mercury Into his arm, but bis condition was discovered Id time to prevent his death. , The Chinese of San lake are cele- j brating their New Year's holiday this week. The celebration began Satur- day night and continues all week, during which time there will be fire- a crackers and feasting In the most Approved Celestial fashion. The proposition to bond Cache , county for 1200.000 for road building j purposes was practically killed at the mass meeting at Logan called by the c county commissioners. Almost all the communities In the county were ov posed to bonding at this time. f Isiondent over failure- to find buyers for new electrical apparatus In which he had attempted to Itfteiest ' telephone compnnies In Ftah and u Idaho, George Macy. aged forty four years, suicided In Salt Ijike, Inhaling chloroform. He ma a former resi- dent of Oregon. r Charged with no lens than thirty forgeries committed iu Colorado and Utah within the least two week and on which he is believed to have real- ' lited I2,r,00. C. A. P.cgbee. a )'uth claiming wealthy parents in the east, ' has been arretted In Salt Ijrke. f l Dr. V. K. Preuss, about sixty year 0 Of age. was stricken with an attack of brain trouble In Salt I-ak. Saturday Afternoon, And died a few minutes f ter he had been taken to the emerg- T. ncy hospital at police headquarters, c ' Twenty years ago he was one of the iMst known physicians la the fUle. k |