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Show ' ECZEMA GONE, BOILS CURED i "My non wa shout three weeks old when I noticed a hreakitigout on his cheekH, from which s watery sub-ftnnco sub-ftnnco oozed. A (short ti mo after his sruiH, Mlioulilers and breiuit hroko out i slao, and In a few dnys hecanio a solid scab. I bet aino alarmed, and railed cur family phyttlclun, who at once pro-iioutjced pro-iioutjced tho dlHonne eczema. The little lit-tle fellow was under bin treatment for about tlireo months. Ity the end of that time, he seemed no better. I i became diHcour.'iKed, and as 1 had i read the advertlHenients of Cutlcura IlemeilleR imil temltnonlalu of a great niany penplo who bad uxed them with wonderful succeBt, I dropped the doc-I doc-I tor's treatment, snd commenced the i use of Cutlcura Knap and Ointment, and In a few days noticed a marked ; chu.oir. The eruption on his cheeks tin almost healed, and hla shoulders, ' irma and breant were decidedly bet- ter. When he wai about seven months old all trace of tho eczema was gone. "During his teething period, bis t head and face were broken out In 5 Polls which I cured with Cutlcura r Boap and Ointment. Surely he utunt bae been a great sufferer. During the . time of teething and from the time I dropped the doctor's treatment, 1 used the Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Olnt inent, nothing elue, and when two f years old he was the picture of health, t Ills complexion was soft and beautiful, beauti-ful, snd his head a nanH of silky curls. I bad been afraid that he would never be well, and I fed that I owe a Kreat d'-al to the Cutlcura Itemedlim." r ' (Signed) Mrs. Mary W. TtarnHey, 221 f K. Jackaon St.. Colorado Sprluga, i j Colo., Sept. 21, 1910. |