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Show and cut before the rye la rip would make the best kind of fodder, where one has no alfalfa. Turned under In the fall after it had made a good sec-ond sec-ond growth, it would put the soil In Ideal condition for any kind of a crop. Sweet clover makes a more rapid growth than alfalfa, and few farm., will want to turn under an alfalfa field until it has outlived Its moat profitable season. If the sweet clover were kept until the second summer a proflUe crop of seed could probably be raised If turned under then the heavier root growth would probably make It still more valuable as a fertilizer to the soil. If then no wed to alfalfa the clover clov-er that might come up from the volunteer volun-teer seed the following summer would be no detriment to the crop. Or, if planted in sugar beets the cultivation would kill the clover. It looks to u as If this would be the quickest and leant expensive method of Improving the soil. We have all learned that turning under stubble adds no value to the soil. SWEET CLOVER. We learn that quite a number of farmers intend to plant sweet clover next spring to turn under and provide humus and nitrogen for the soli. Sweet clover and rye planted together |