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Show Faust and C. B. Cos to draw up a constitution con-stitution and by-lawt. These wer adopted at a meeting held Monday night and the following officers were selected: Ed Marshall, president and manager; Ous Faust secretary-treasurer; and C. II. Cox. coach. The principal prin-cipal activity of the club will be basket bas-ket ball. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Ward will leave on the lDth for Salt Lake, and from there go to California to spend two or three months. Mr. Ward has mother, two brothers, a sister and other relatives In Ixs Angeles and vicinity, vi-cinity, while Mrs. Ward ha a number of relatives In Southern California, and they anticipate a very pleasant vacation. va-cation. ' W. F. Brown of California who tpent some time around Delta last spring, re- turned this week after visiting a number num-ber of land projects In Utah and Idaho. He thinks Millard County of-ifers of-ifers more swlVanUgea and cheaper land than any place he has visited. Leo Gardner drove down from Salem on Tuesday to move P. C. Calllstef to Salt Lake. j B OF AIM AI1D AROUND DELTA lUcord of tie Important Event of Put ScYea Days b tbo Newest Town. Considerable matter In this Issue should bave appeared last week, but a tounch of copy" got side-tracked. The entertainment given by the Water Wa-ter Users' Association on Thanksgiving Thanksgiv-ing evening was the most largely attended at-tended affair ever given on the west side. An excellent musical program was provided In which 'Tommy" and Helclse McClaln made a big bit with their vaudeville songs. The subject of government or private ownership of railways was debated by five speakers speak-ers with considerable ability. Abundant Abund-ant refreshments of cake, doughnuts, apples and coffee were provided by the ladies. The hall was then cleared for , dancing, which was kept up until about three o'clock. The next public entertainment enter-tainment will be given on the 19th and a varied and Interesting program Is being be-ing arranged. Attorney Melville has been retained to represent the defendants In a $10,-O00 $10,-O00 damage suit brought against some Millard County citizens. As will be seen by a new advertisement advertise-ment the Eecle Co-operative Mercantile Mercan-tile Institution Is opening up a f 10,000 atock of general merchandise In their new building on Clark Street. The building has been remodeled and put In good shape for a general store. Mr. Eccles Is moving his nwx k of hardware hard-ware Into the new store. Don't forget that be has a splendid stock of Christmas Christ-mas good. Mrs. Roy Stephens and children ar-rived ar-rived from California last week to Jott. bpC husband who has 80 acres on the west side. The car of wire fencing ordered for the farmers through R. J. Law, arrived arriv-ed last week and has been distributed. The barb wire and staples are expected expect-ed any day. It looks as If a lot of farmeri were preparing to go into the atock business. Miss Ferrol McCiain went to Salt Lake last week to spend Christmas. The editor will miss his society reporter. re-porter. Cherry DeWagoner, of California, and M. Calllster of Joplin, Mo., arrived last week with their household effect and stock to become farmers on the west side. The Sevier Land & Water Co. Is rap-Idly rap-Idly disposing of Its bench land adjoining adjoin-ing Delta on the north and east. One of the largest buyers Is William Bender, Ben-der, of Los Angeles, who has Jut purchased pur-chased 240 acres. He will enctose his entire purchase with woven wire fencing and go Into the hog business, in which he Is an expert. He believes the soil is especially adapted for alfalfa. al-falfa. Mrs. J. L. Sampson is spending a week with Mra. Calloway at Tlntlc. The Delta Friendly Women have baxaar Thursday, Friday and Saturday Satur-day of this week, at which they are offering for sale a quantity of fancy goods suitable for holiday presents. They also have free refreshments every ev-ery afternoon. The display and tale Is at Mlller'a Furniture Store. Principal Gardner Is trying to Interest Inter-est the citizens in providing a reading room at the school building for the use of the pupils and the public generally. We bad a traveling library In town two years ago, but it was to poorly patronised patron-ised that the books were returned to Salt Lake. But a reading room kept open every evening and provided with a good assortment of magazines rather than a library of books would prove an attractive place for the boys and girls during the winter evenings, at well at for the older people. We undersUnd there is a tax levy for library purposes pur-poses and it ought to be used. Fifty dollars would provide a rack, table and a good assortment of magazines. Rev. Mr. Hamilton now holds services serv-ices at Abraham and Woodrow on alternate al-ternate Sundsyt. J. P. Sampson has received the first payment of his Indian War Veteran pension, and e suppose the other vet ran have received theirs. This ! the allowance that was secured through the legislature last winter. Allien A Brown bsve been making cuHe a transformation in the appearance appear-ance of the Kelley Hotel, The celling fad walls of the dialog room bav been colored in shades of red and salmon sal-mon and a plate rail built around the room. The waiting room has been given a dark red coloring and it quite gorgeous. We understand It was Marie Ma-rie Kellvy that selected the tints. She likes any color as long at it ia red. Mrs. Anna Salmon returned last week to her home In Salt Lake after spending two months with ber daughter. daugh-ter. Mrs. Fred Cottrell. If you want furniture see Miller. He has a good selection at reasonable prices. Mrs. Archer Brown, who has been visiting Mrs. Briggs at Heber, returned return-ed home last week, The engineers have completed the work of running the grade for the spur line and grading will begin as soon as the weather permits. The freexlng weather of the past two weeks has put a stop to most of th-plowlng th-plowlng except on dry land. It has also put a heavy sheet of Ice on the reservoir and C. Webster tays the skating Is fine. Next Tuesday evening there will be a "Utah Boosters" meeting at the ward hall. Several speakers from the Salt Lake Development League will be present and an Interesting program will be provided. Everybody come out and help boost for Millard County and Utah. Garnet January got bis portable bake oven In operation this week and is now turning out bread, cakes, pies and other oth-er bakery goods, The new oven is quite an Improvement over the old style brick oven. It uses less coal, gives a more uniform heat and Is perfectly per-fectly clean, aa the smoke and flame are not admitted to the three sections In which the baking Is done. He has also put In a new poplar wood uilxliu. box and kneading board In place of the ordinary pine board to keep the dough free from any foreign flavor. Patronize home Industry when you want bakery goods. R. J. Law Is showing an attractive line of Christmas goods which Is find ing a ready tale. He will make a special spe-cial run on ladies' coats during Christmas Christ-mas week, so look out for some special spe-cial bargains. E. J. Whicker brought down a 1914 Ford machine from Salt Lake last week. While the chassis ts the same as In the 1913 model the body has many Improvements, and la as handsomely hand-somely finished as a piano. The buyers buy-ers of the Ford machines that Mr. Whicker has placed are well pleased with them and other sales are In sight, George Day is advertising this week the attractive stock of Christmas goods he has received. It Includes suitable gifts for older people, as well at dolls and toys for the little folks. Utah products day was observed generally gen-erally by our merchants on Wednes day. 'They all made an effort to display dis-play and sell Utah-made goods. The editor observed It by eating Delta-made Delta-made bread. West Delta potatoes. Delta carrots. North Tract pork. Oasis butter. Oak City apples, Holden cheese and Provo confectionery. A fine baby girl was born to Mrs. Fred King on the west tide last week. The report of the Delta State bank this week shows quite an increase of business the past three months. The item of $43,000 in loan Is a gratifying one for the stockholders. Considerable Considera-ble money hat been loaned to bog buyers. It looks aa if the wett tide would have a contlnuoua performance during the next two weeks. The entertainment entertain-ment by the Water Uteri Association comes off on the 19th. On the 23rd the pupils of the Rock school will give a Christmas entertainment, the program of which will be published next week. The following night the Sutherland school will give a musical and literary entertainment, the program of which la published elsewhere. There are alto several dancea in tight The first wedding on tha south tract took place last Saturday. The fortunate for-tunate young man was Leo Thurston and the bride was Mitt Addle Fol-some. Fol-some. Their host of friends wish them a long and happy married life. W. II. Tomlinson tayt there are a number num-ber of other bachelor! down there who are anxlout to change their solitary state. We think the young men down there are backward or they would have captured tome of the young ladles who spent the summer there. Fresh crop dates, oranges and nuts at the Delta Bakery. Also a choice assortment of Christmas candies. Last Friday evening a number of the toys of Delta met to discuss the subject sub-ject of an athletic club It wtt decided to orginlze a cluft and a commute consisting of Eugene Gardner, Gut |