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Show ' ONE WEEK ONLY Beginning Wed., Sept. 1, Closing Tues., SepLj I We are offering during this Big Sale many Great Buys of Clean, Seasonable, Standard Goods at prices which offer you inducements well worth taking advantage of. The following prices jjj I will be of interest to you; .howing What Your Money Will Buy During Our Big Sale. There are many other BIG BARGAINS to had other thar those given below, but space forbids our being g 1 I able to mention all the Good pricei we are making. Buy Now and You "Will Save Money. To the first 10 persons attending this sale, who wish it, we well sell & sack of tugar for $7.10 1 - - "" - - Some of Our Special "Cash Only" Sale Prices Cents' Furnishings .2 Dry Goods Etc. S for 95 i Boys' $3. and $3.50 suits now $2.50 Cotton and wool blankets, new stock IMies muslin gowns - .45 J Men's $18. W $20. " " 15.00 E . greatly reduced prices. o " pnncess slips value $1.3o $100 " $20. to $25. " " 18.00 Brand new comforts, value $1.50, your gjngham nuderskirt - .40 1 I Any $3. Rival hat in the store for $2.50 choice - - - 1.25 to black sateen " 85 I " $2.50 " " " " " " 2.00 - 10c. outing flannels - - .08 11 " percale house dresses .90 5 p Any boy's hat, $1.25 value for 1.00 'l21c. " " - - .10 -5 Childrens wash dresses - $1.00 g " " " 1.10 value . .89 10 and 12ic. ginghams - .084 & Lace w.ndow curtains $L00 Men's straw hats, value $1. $1.25 and u All serges,-silks, poplins and suiting ten j Groceries. I I $1.50, your choice while they last .50 per cent off . 3 10c cans tomatoes .25 I Your choice 25 and 35 cent childrens' All crepes, voiles and lawns, 17ic val- "3 3 " " peas - .25 I straw hats while they last .10 5 ues for - - - .124 12h cent Early June peas - .10 1 I TTZHTZZZ . AH summer dress goods, value 12i to 15 a 3 10c. cans milk - - .25 1 Undeiwear g cents during sale " 07i & 10 lb. pail lard - - $1.50 10 per cent discount on all L. D. S. gar- cents, during sale - .07, 15 1 ments, new fall and winter stock. g 31b Co ton ba ts, value 65c. .50 5 ganons coal oil - - .85 I Any light weight L. D, S. garments for & ,b- " " 20c 15 - 5 " gasoline -, -$1.00 ? . 9 """All straw hats for Misses, value $ .50 to 14 lbs. sugar - - $1.00 a i-z price. of $1-25, while they last . .40 White Borax naptha, Crystal White and I Any 50c. underwear tor men, boys and g Henderson's corsets in this sale, $3. val- A .B. naptha soap 25 bars $1.00 Misses go for - - .40 S3 ues, - $2.45 co 45c. package of c ffee - .40 a saving of 20 per cent on the dollar. Henderson's corsets $1.75 and $1.50 val- 2 25c. packages of tea - - .45 Men's two-piece underwear, medium ?i ues for ... $1.25 -3 3 15c. cans salmon - - .40 weight, broken sizes, each - .39 SS Henderson's corsets $1. and $1.10 values t-m 10 package starch - - .05 I No Approvals, No Exchanges, Cash, Only. We will pay 25 cents per Dozen for Eggs During Sale I R, X Law's Store j DELTA - - - UTAH j SUMMERLAND FARMS COMPANY. Has brush lands at $35. $40, $45, and $60, per acre. Improved irrigated farms at $70, $75, $85, and $90, per acre. Government lands at $1, per acre, Relinquishments $1.50. Can be irrigated with ditch or pump. Dry farms at $15, per acre. Easy terms on any lands. Always glad to show buyers around. Delta, (Opposite Post Office) Utah Commercial FEED GRINDING 10c. per 100 We have a grinding outfit, capicity one ton per hour, that we can give you back your load of feed elevated into your wagon, loose or sacked, at once. 5-ton scales on place. SNOW CREST RANCH. Good Crop Yields (Continued from page 1. that wheat in the locality will average forty bushels to the acre or very close to it, judging from what they have already thrashed. Sugar beets, while xin some places a little thin on account of the late frosts, are reported to be in excellent condition and can't be beat as to thriftiness. Al Law's store from Sept. 1 to 7 opportunity knocks at your door. Alfalfa seed for sale. Mrs. J. Cavanaugh, Abraham. al9-tf Dancing at the Delta Opera House. Tomorrow night especially, especi-ally, good dance with fine music. FOR SALE: Spring pigs for sale, also feeders at Mason's ranch north of Abraham. a26-lt WANTED:- Fashionable dress making. Miss Christeena Williams, Will-iams, across street from Law's. a5-t FOR SALE: Dry farm Turkey Red Seed Wheat from Nephi, Mrs. Dcra L Cooper, Delta Hotel. a26-tf FOR SALE:-30 head of shoats averaging from 25 to 150 pounds. Mostly full-blood Durocs. - C. M. Hickman, Abraham. al9-26 FOR SALE:- New Studabak-er Studabak-er wagon, Percheron horse, good milk cow, Mrs- Mary C. Lee, Hinckley, Utah. al9-26 ! Renters wanted for 400 acres of good, level land. For term of years. Deseret water. Terms i right. Joseph Neilson, Hinckley Utah. UUST ARRIVED I t A complete line of r Ginghams, Outings, and Cotton Batts. Opening Sale of Special Prices. T ' J For ten days. Commmencing Saturday, August 28th. Call and see us. We can save you money. Live Oak Cash Store, Hinckley, Utah. :: To Satisfy the Particular Appetite of all people we have the Choicest and Freshest in Beef, Pork Vegetables, Butter, Eggs, Lard, Etc. We also carry a complete com-plete Line of Canned Goods and Fresh and Salt Meats. We give full weight and full measure. We respectfully solicit your patronage, THE DELTA MEAT MARKET Delbert Searles, Prop. j Hinckley Market ! i FRESH MEATS I OF ALL KINDS f j VEGETABLES, FRUITS j and GROCERIES j give us aTall! |