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Show MINES AND MINING The (iiiartprly report for June of the '''ah Apex Mining company was is-'Mriiings is-'Mriiings for the quarter are given as ing above $72,0U0. The Big Casino Mining company is Hinong the latest to file articles of 'ucorporaiinn with the secretary of stale of Nevada, with a capital stock "I $l,0iH).(HiO. Shipments of ore from the mines of T'titie hist week totaled 170 carloads. T1is is estimated at 8,500 tons val-ut'd val-ut'd at $210,000. It is compared with 171 carolads the previous week. Announcement is made at the offices the Rochester Mines company that 'ha company has taken over the Big four leitse of the Big Four Mining company en Block 1 of the Crown I'oint claim. Advices from Tintic are to the effect ef-fect that the jigging at the Tintic Standard mine is now handling daily thirty tons of low-grade ore carrying 1- to 15 per cent lead and a few ounces in silver. 1.. R. Watts of Ogden, L. F. Rains of Salt Lake and other mining men of the state have opened up a new coal mine three miles southwest of Sumdardville, in Spring canyon, and are already receiving machinery to develop the property. The Standard Oil company of New York is Raid to be pushing operations " in the Chinese oil fields and recent reports from China state that the national na-tional oil bureau is confident that an extensive supply will be found by the wells now being drilled. .More men are now employed on the Alta Consolidated than at any time in the re,eent past. Active development work is in progress at five different point9 in the mine, and as soon as facilities fa-cilities now being arranged for are available two or three other additional addi-tional points will be attacked. The output of spelter for the first six months of the year was 207, 6b4 tons made from domestic ores and S.898 tons from foreign ores, a total of 216.532 tons, compared with 177,-991 177,-991 tons for the preceding six months and with 175,058 tons for the corresponding corre-sponding six months of 1914. Charles and Eugene Dahler, of Iron Rod Claim the honor of having e traded $500 in gold from the American Ameri-can mine, in the Iron Rod district, in Montana. They have been displaying the bar of gold to back up their story. The bar weighed a trifle less than thirty ounces, or approximately $500. Final details in the pending deal for the Croff Mining company, in which a large block of treasury stock passed and the company has been fin-" fin-" "I'vi for an energetic campaign of develops ,"----tv' .1 ' Tiet week and operations on this Beaver county property will be resumed at once. The Nevada Coal Mines company has announced the discovery of a three-foot vein of hard coal in the Butte valley, about fifteen miles from Cherry Creek, Nevada, The vein was discovered some time ago, but little was done to develop the property until un-til it was acquired by the Coal Mines company. Articles of incorporation wore filed last week for the Green River Copper Mining & Townslte company. The new concern is capitalized for $250,-000 $250,-000 and the incorporators expect to work eleven very valuable copper claims in the vicinity of the Copper Ilutte, seven miles below Ouray, saya the Vernal Express. The Stewart Mining company on .lune 30, according to balance sheet .sent to stockholders with call for annual an-nual meeting, had cash of $318,917, demand loans of $130,457, accounts receivable re-ceivable of $17,3S0 and other items of $107,940, making a total of $574,694 current assets, against which there were reported current liabilities of $74,129. The Inspiration Copper company is showing a saving of twenty-seven to twenty-eight pounds of copper per ton of ore, which Is much better than expected, ex-pected, as the first estimate was that there would be a recovery of about twenty-five pounds. This will mean increase in output of from 10,000,000 to 15,000,000 pounds a year over original ori-ginal estimates. There are at present about 750 men employed at the United States Smelting Smel-ting & Kenning company's smelter at Mldvnle. Utah. The July payroll amounted to $20,000. With Hie increase in-crease in wages, it is expected that the AiTit cash distributions will exceed ex-ceed that amount. This is the largest payroll at the plant in years is a report re-port from Midvale. The art of zinc smelting is supposed to have originated in India, from where it was carried to China, where zinc smelting is still doue on a small scale by the primitive methods that late back hundreds of years. In the sixteenth century zinc was brought to Kurope from China and the East In-' In-' dies under the name of tutanego (whence the English term tutaneue), and it Is likely that knowledge of it waB. obtained from that source at an earlier date. "Lige' or "Shorty" Harris, who wen I Into Coldstrike several days ago and who is well known as the discoverer of Rhyollte and Bullfrog, has stated the the porphyry showings are equal to .any, if not bettor than any, lie has ever seen. The discovery of copper ore on the west mountains over toward Juab has attracted the attention of Manti, Utah people and a number have located claims in that vicinity. The ore thai is being loaded from tho claim now working ihere appears to be rich. |