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Show i 0 - ' 0. Tho Goody That's Good For Thorn t j The best way in this world to spend a nickel 0: for refreshment is to get WRIGLEY5 0 wholesome, impurity-proof chewing gum. It's made 0, clean and kept clean. It's wrapped in waxed 0 paper and sealed. Its two delicious flavors are always fresh and full strength. "0, It is the longest-lasting, most beneficial and 0 pleasant goody possible to buy. It aids appetite and digestion, quenches thirst, sweetens mouth 0 and breath. f Write for free copy of "WRIGLEY'S MOTHER GOOSE," a ' . handsomely illustrated booklet in colors that will amuse young and old and remind you of this Perfect Gum. A In it the WRIGLEY SPEARMEN have acted A 10, all the old familiar Mother Goose scenes to the .CA 0 "tune" of new jingles. Address Wm, Wrigley Jr. Co., 1312 Kesner Building, Chicago. iNS 0 "Chow it after every meal" -7 University cf Notre Dame NOTRE DAME, INDIANA Thorough Education. Moral Training Twenty-one Twenty-one courses leading to decrees in Classics. Modern I.euers.Journalism .Political Economy. Comm.Ti-e, Chetnisnjr, Biology, Pharmacy, Lnjiiueeriug, Architecture, Law. Preparatory School, t trlons courses. For Catalogues address DOX H, NOTRE DAME, INDIANA EDWARD E. BURTON S8cahvem,istnd Specimen prices: Gold, Sller, Lead, $1 ;Gold, bi'rer, ioc;Gold,60c;ZlncorCopper.Sl Mailing en ve.opes and full price list Bent on application. Leadvillo. Colo. ReJ Carbonate Nat. Bank. pfigf This Baking Powder fiMm Keeps Its Strength PIS?!!? lare can f KG lasts longer ffMi than 25 cents worth of other baking powders but no matter how long it Jl'if takes the user to get to the bottom ast s?oonful is guaranteed to (IrW "lve perfect satisfaction. K G raises n'cest' hghtest biscuits, cakes lks.Jy Bn( Pastry yu ever ate and it is M guaranteed pure and wholesome. $L Fr goodness sake, use K C. vft Ik V " 1111 " r-rt |