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Show iPk What kind of roofing shall I buy? S irlsLJSSu "rhe Ceneal lays: You can buy a cheap unguaranteed N AjJ;i roofing and 6ave a few dollars in in- & 0 rjc? rliS tlal cost or you can pay Out slight difference and gel a b NSSVT Yr 1 roofing guaranteed by the world'a largest manufacturer N Bi"t' V of roofing and building papers. The final cost is what H 0 counts and you'U find it cheaper ia ths long run to buy 1 Certain-teem Roofing Shingles 8 ' 0 This roofino, is ththicW quality possible (Slaf Surfaced) jg .o make and it i , guaranteed .5. 10 of 15 , surfaced with K years, or 1, 2 or 3 ply respectively. hen & JJ j p tnce laid Certain-tecd must remain genuine red or green crushed slate I intact at least lor the period of the guar- I mating a most artistic and durable 0 I si sntee and the guarantee is a definite in- J I n t i .urance against all roofing troubles. I root covering. Guaranteed I U years, y S For sale by dealers everywhere at reasonable prices y j 0 General Roofing Manufacturing Company 3 H World's laracst manufacturers of Uaofina and BuUdmg Paixra g m New York City Chicago Philadelphia St. Louis Boston Cleveland Pittsburgh Sj Detroit San Francisco Cincinnati Minneapolis Kansas CrtT k, : t j Seattle Atlanta Houston London Hamburg Sydney gi HIDDEN IMPURITY "If American women knew how much of our Coffee Ilea on the ground for days, before the berries are finally swept up and harvested, greater care would be exercised in purchasing this food. For this Coffee is impure But its moldy color Is lost in the roasting, roast-ing, and the partial decay is concealed until it comes up harsh and bitter in the cup. This fact is not generally known to importers, for few of them have studied conditions existing prior to the arrival of their ships in port.' So writes F. C. Harwood. And Mr. Harwood knows. His long experience In the tropical coffee growing countries, coun-tries, his deep intimacy with plantation planta-tion owners, his close study of their customs, their methods and the "Tricks of their Trade" has acquired for him a fund of knowledge which places him far in the leadership of coffee connoisseurs, both here and abroad. Denison's Coffees are selected by F. C. Harwood, personally, and it is here that his power in the Coffee Industry manifests itself to the qualification of Denison's Brands. His wisdom and critical discrimination is appreciated by Coffee Growers the world over, and their respect gives him first choice of the world's finest crops. Thus, only pure, hand-picked berries find their way into Denison Coffees. His care Is your safeguard against Impurity. Try Denison's and realize your ideal Coffee put up in Cans, Cartons or Bags. AsL: your grocer or write Denison Den-ison Coffee Co., Chicago, for the name of the nearest dealer. Adv. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver is right the stomach and bowels are right CARTER'S LITTLE Tfeu LIVER PILLS f gentlybutfirmlycom-if pel a lazy liver to . 2rADTPD' do ksuty. f$M KITTLE tipation, In-jf' f RIVER Headache. 1 and Diitret After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature PI iCV LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED Ill,1L H L'-r Cutter' Blaoklei Pllll. Low-Il4ilVU Low-Il4ilVU priced, fresh. rcliaMo; preferred by Western Blacltmrii bocauso they pro V- teet whera other vacclnei fall. I L Write for booklet and testimonials. I . W. 1 10-dott pkge. Bticklea Pi Hi 91.00 M-U M- HMom pkoe. Blackleg Pllll 4.00 Use any injector, but Cutter's best. Tha BUperlorltT of Cutter products la due to over II rrs of HpnclRiliihiK In vaooirtei and urumi only. .!,l..(?,Cut,,r''- Tf mot'"lnnMe. order direct. THE CUTTLR LABORATORY, Berkeley, California, Vfi--jJ PARKER'S 1 ' Xkd&ui HAR BALSAM ; :. ' .ji-a A tohct preparittion of me rit. l.V.Vj. f , i Hflp. to eradicate dandruff. - 1 For RMtorioi Color and 'rSifSt i,J Butir toGrn; or F.ded Hair. L Stationary Post. Victims of cabinet changes in Europe Eu-rope are coming to favor the New York Itlea of a "stationary post." Boston Advertiser. j . SELF SHAMPOOING With Cuticura Soap la Most Comfort-Inn Comfort-Inn and Beneficial. Trial Free. Especially If preceded by touches of Cuticura Ointment to spots of dandruff dan-druff and Itching ou the scalp skin. Those supercreamy emollients meet every skin want as well aa every toilet and nursery want in caring for the Bkln, Bcalp, hair and hands. Sample each free by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Its Kind. "I see where they have a little Thimble Thim-ble theater in New York. What kind ot plays havo they?" "Oh. I dare say, they are sew, sew." That Knife-Like Pain Have you a lame back, aching day and night? Do you feel sharp pains after stooping? Are the kldnevs Bore? Is their action Irregular' Do you have headaches, backaches, rheumatic pains. feel tired, nervous, nerv-ous, all worn-out? Use Doan's Kidney Kid-ney Pills the medicine recommended recom-mended by so many people in this locality. i!oad tha experience that follows: An Idaho Case ,-,-,ri- Tlcrncy, 1003 tj. ... 'f"i St., c n r u r sfS, f"T D'Alon,.. I d a I, o' Tr -V: "I wns In ha,i ft'lV'!'. share with kidney tA?" troublj. for year . iV J1 Mnd.lrr was In- W i i V liime.l nml my back fflf V nnlnerl torrlblv. I II it V l liad dizzy and fnlnt- Jt 5fcJ inc i.is and m,f P-nSTr Y'rva from (Travel. BrtfT 7X 1'onnn Kldnav Pills Vvl Ajr! corrected therm ail. V --Tl I It mcnls and did me V- I mere good than any- '1 C.t DW, at At Stor.. SOc . Box DOAN'S F03TER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. w- N. U.( Salt Lake City, Nc-735-1915. , On Time ZfJ j tor j j j Breakfast 98 1 Ever know a real boy fx ! P 5 who wasn't on time for J J. fe meals when there was T""" s). something he liked? V S' " Boys are alwa3'S ready for j : S JT&tI breakfast when they're go- 17 Yl 1 ' inS to have the (f j Mrfrr Post KiBf IMtJW Toasties "44J. These delicious, new com fiakes fiS a 7 fcnng to your table all of the delightful r." WWl I flavour of sun ripened corn. They're Kj 'fvXM- j made by a new method that keep3 ?g .:"-?-!-I them crisp ard firm even after cream tag; L-&r&, 11 J J 1 1 j 1 Stiparior Corn Flakes i or milk is added they don t mush jrj (rFS I down as other corn flakes do. Plii'l t j Notice the little pearl-like "puffs" '0, , j on each flake a distinguishing char- Jj mC1 l X) j acteristic; try them direct from the j-jo c"' package without cream or milk and Nj Llpi- L"L you'll get the real corn flavour of n1 I New Post Toasties |