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Show tf. B. DRESSER, Editor and Proprietor aaaiaMMaMaHHWMaamBManMmMMwnWMHHwMMM Subscription Price 12 par Year, f Mentha I1.2S Advertising Rates. Cards, 1 per Inch per month; dla-atay dla-atay ada lOo per Inch, etngle column, - .per moata. Discount for large apace. .Reading- aotJoee 10 cents per line Brat faeertioa, I eenta each subsequent laser la-ser tios. Catered aa Second-claas matter July li 1110. at th poet office st Delta, .CUa. ander act of March 3, 1870. alt laka Office, 203 S. W. Temple St j N. E. A. VISITORS OPPORTUNITY LAND BARGAIN. TO SEE UTAH. " " Forty aces of choice land In section Excursion rates July 7th to 15th, via ji g0tQ 0f ita. Will sell cheap for Salt Lake Route. Limit ten day a. or , d or dtf ,,ro)er,y. See stopovera en route. Write your Salt , . ... . . , Lake friends and urge them to visit (tor of the Chronicle, you. ' EXCURSION FROM SALT LAKE FOR SALE. . To all Utah polnta July 7th to 15th, Good white oaU, SI.G0 per hundred; B(tU ukr Route; itopovers. and alao alfalfa hay In the field. ten-day limit, Urge the folks to visit K. E. POUND, West Delta. with you. New Dress Goods Always please the ladles. Wo have some very attractive patterns In summer dress goods Just in. You will want to aet them before you make that Fourth of July dress. Ssa our new parasols. They are a necessity for the hot weather. You will find them stylish, too. We have just received some snappy aults for tha young fellows. They are -Just what the boyo want for the summer holidays. Our Clark Jewel Gasoline Range Is a high grade range. You can make and wash and do all kinds of cooking on IL It makes neither smoke nor heat You can do all your cooking without the heat and discomfort of a coal range. A good lawn mower $3.50 1 PRATT BROS. Bg The Hinckley Co-op Carries a full line, of Groceries, Dry Goods, and General Merchandise Superior in quality and cheap in price for CASH ONLY Our present specialties are Brooms 30c and 40c. 50c Work Shirts. Fitz Overalls. When you see these you will want to get some of our other bargains. HINCKLEY CO-OP Hinckley I BULLSEYE RUBBER BOOTS Guaranteed to stand wear and outlast any other. A fine line of Ladies' Shoes and Slippers SEE OUR BIG LINE OF STRAW HATS We carry everything you need at reasonable prices. DAMRON & HAWLEY . Deseretj Qur West deStofe ! Is now open and stocked with a complet line of Groceries, Grocer-ies, Canned Goods, Flour and other staple foods. SAVE A TRIP TO TOWN by getting your goods from ua. If you have to go to Delta stop in and see our stock of SPRING DRY GOODS. We carry everything you need. Jenkins Bros. Delta I OUR HAY TOOL SPECIALTIES' Wiruelman Hay Rack Brack eta, 14-Inch S1.7S Wlnietman Hay Rack Brackets, la-Inch 1.80 Hay Derrick Pulleys, free S5a to S5 Lang Hand la Forks, each SSc and tOc Five and One-half Foot Fork Handles SOo Sis Foot Fork Handle S5 Three-eighth nh Wire Rep, foot S Three -eighths Rosa Clips, 10e each or S for 2 Call In and aea ua for a price an your builders' hardware. BISHOP & WALLACE CO., DELTA SACRIFICE SALE. On account of sickness I will aell my equity In my alfalfa 40 at Hinckley for (500. $1300 back on mortgage. All fenced with flowing well. Land Is SIC of SW Sec. 19. S. Range 7 West 8h K. E. Pound. Delta, or write J. W. ROBB. Auburn, Neb. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS IN YEST DETA . Our New Store en tha West Side near the brick school house Is no open and stocked with complete lines of new goods In DRY T ' GOODS, BOOTS ANO SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CANNED GOODS, ETC Wa Invito tha trade ef the Wast Side farmers and ethera. Wa will treat jreu right and aeil yew da at tha lowest price. Give aa a a!L ECCLES CO-OPERATIVE tlERCAIlTILECO. r;iTtaT - UTAH 0 |