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Show Care of Ducklings-It Ducklings-It la Important that duckllnga ahould ; lave plenty of water to drink, but i hey should. not be allowed to play In t or to get wet. When wet they are ; Ikely to chill and die. They ahould lave water deep Vnough to Immers heir bill. Otherwta their nostril vould become clogged with dirt and ood. A good way to give them water a In a deep pan filled with atonea. rhey can drink between tbe atone tut cannot get wet The chill should ie taken off the water for the flrat ew daya. Like chlcka. a duckling hould not be fed until twenty-four' to hlrty-slx hours old. The first feed hould be stale bread soaked In sweet nllk, squeezed rather dry and e printed prin-ted with fine sand. |