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Show Tbe average man thinks he U doing; trail If he ataya en the water wmo' between drinks. Bfra.Wlaslow'a Soathlue Hfrip far Cfclldeaw iMlalnc, aoflaaa lb u, Mini hluua Sua.altaj'a plaeM t4 aell46 e twrtltate A man haa to have considerable of the divine afflutus to find poetical l iplrattons in bli back yard, Butterfliss Hla Hobby. During his life the late II. J. Adama. an P.ngllsbrnan. spent fully 1200,000 In collecting butterflies and motba. The collection, believed to be the most valuable val-uable of Ita kind In the world, has Just been presented to tba natural history museum at Routh Kensington About 110 000 specimens are contained In afity-eeven beautifully made ma bogany rablneta. Tbe cabinets are particularly rich In very rare ane beautiful species, gathered during the lifetime of tha Enfield scientist |