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Show s- U ,,,, --Tr-l. THREE DAILY PRINCIPLES 1- 'Safety first." The Result 2- "Courtesy." Ijfh quauty He.rvic 3- "Careful Attention w,iCU JOU tnMCl vU to Details." "The Standard Lines By these each operat- of thc West" Ing employO Of the Automatic; HI-M'trlc Hafetr Block Signal Protection f fTV i 0. E. BURLET T Jlvf7ifri' n Pas. Act Sail Lake City, I . .-hJ Utah Pledges his faith. GEEWHILIKINS!!! The man who continually neglects to make needed re piir and improvements about the place is careless, and the price of carelessness is trouble. Stop right now an 1 make list of the things you will want to fix your place in ship-shape and then come In and let us give you an estimate BAKER LUMBER COMPANY. DELTA and OASIS Order Your Well Now Have Us Drive It , We have a new outfit equipped with powerful machinery and capable of sinking a well in the shortest possible time. We guarantee a permanent perman-ent and satisfactoy flow of water CLAWS0N & JUSTESEN ... DELTA Your Vacation..... """"" Some Timely Suggestions: NORTH To Utah Points, Idsho Points, Yellow TVeA stone Park. TleWete en ssle on various dates in IQ Vi V I I Jun' Jul? and AuBu,t- Return limit 30 days. I V y"i EAST T Cheyenne, Denver, Colorado Springs, VftMsVi J Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis, Chicago, St. Paul. Ouy Tickets on sale on various dates In May, June, July, August end September. Final limit Oet. 31st. Stop-overs. Stop-overs. WEST Te Ocesn Park, Venice, Santa Monlo. Three Redondo, Long Beach, Coronado Btaeh, San Diego. FrnllnT Pedondo, Long Beach, Coronsd Beach, San Diego, tACtlltni sntJ Barbara. Tickets on sale daily In June to Sept. Traln3 sl,h Flnal "mlt 0et J1,L Stopovers. Special re duced rstes on dates In Jul and August. TllS Pacific Limited For dates of tale, limits, rstes, descriptive liters- i ture. etc, corsult any Salt Lake Route Agent, or The les Angeles write. limited T. C. PECK. G. P. A, Les Angeles. Cal. ..... J. H. MANDERFIELD, A. C. P. A. Salt Lake City, UL ins HYcnacd C1TY TICKET office 10 east 3rd south rr. Express salt lake city, utah. Delta Livery, Thc Hinckley Feed and Sale Stable ! Farmers" Union is fTppured to awll 1 have fint-clus rigs Live Stock and Farm Produce, (oc hire for hire with Improved and Unimproved Land i j . on a small eomaiis'ion. or without drnrm ... ,,. ... , , LUt with u anttiiic? you hare for ale and we Will flnil a buyer. Bild Hajasi Gab for Sale I,,ou'",rnlory-rir"" w Und A. B. WARD. DELTA .?- f eteuon', smarr |