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Show -WfjaaaaaeaawgBaasaaaaaeBaMMPMMMajaa,! t - - &L, IK? Selected 1 T Pickles Nature's finest, put up like the ,. feemeHn.de kiad end all yourtreuble saved. This eatra quality is true of ail libbv'i Pickles aed Condiment and there is real ecoeeeay ia their use. Spanish Olives Every om frees Seville, long faased aa the borne of the world's heat olives. Only the pick of the crop l of farad o yea antler tke lihky label. P"lirr Either ike Queen or Mans. r"H f "a anilla variety Jf PI H3 "Pimento fit, l-n I i fcl Stuffed. flr II 1 V V ,Bi,t 00 re; Bit Vf S Likby. feM l - a ' If a man la smart enough to fool i woman It ia because she wants to tx fooled. MRAKB INTO TO I'M SHOES Alias's Foot-. tb AniiMptia powder tot Ira4. aehlne. awallan, aarvoua rU OIw . aa omfort. Maka walking a llghl So44 mrywlim. Ita. Don t arr.pt aof auk-etlmta. auk-etlmta. Far r 8tK aampla addraae Ailaa a UlawtaO. L Mar. N. . Ait. Anticipating. "Say, Lawson, let me use youi phone, will yoaf "Certainly. Wbat'a tha matter with yours?" i "I fa all light. I want to telephont to my wife that I'm going bo bring I man to dinner. He's in my room now and I bate to have him watch m face when my wife tells me what sh thinks of the proposition." Important to Mot here Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOltLA, a aafe and aura remedy for Infanta and children, and see that It Dears the sntf f Blgnatureof Cm&u In Use Tor Over 0 Tears. Children Cry for Fletcher! Cm tons Advice to tha Innocent. We have a letter from a young worn an who asks: "('an I succeed as a chorus girl and remain Innocent? My friends tell mr .that I am very beautiful." We are unable to give expert advlc concerning the possibility of succeed Ing as a chorus girl and remaining In nocent, but we fed safe in Baying that If the young lady la provided with suitable supply of innocence in bei prevent environment It would be a pit) not to kep it right there. Cbicagc Record Herald." Constipation Vanisnes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never p fail. Purely vegeta- - J , ble art aurcly fpADTPD but gently on SLfl.5iF!P the hver. S T7 JTTLC Stop after f llVER ' dinner die- lllaJL tress-cure iWrH indigestion, ' mm' improve the complexion, brighten the eyee, SMALL Pill, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PUJOL Genuine must bear Signature DAISY TLT KILLER g? ;:njFl awaaeaaie n t mm. . r j VrVtW-' t.fmi.tia W lUv ' lilirt tifitin.! Aitaelfewa' Srl - i ii nanaa pm I'm liKL Baaous seataa. xaa sai tn, arir. a. v " 1 SAttklU,1 -ij HAIR BALSAM ' ii a VMM anwrMM BMnf , y r.iiHC, f .SHrirtoiiwtaMH. t H0VT1R3 ErBTffoii'?H;ir,.v,of ,... nova I...14. dint, Iwi (i; f . tto; i..Ml. M: Kim or ..pp. 1. Matliaf ant"a a4 fati li.l agt aeaittk twi ana Mr1 aura ihnW I i ailTi,t bat. Halaaa. ienaaia aaiui I Saaa. . T W. H. U, tall Lake City, Na. 27-lllV |