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Show BURGLAR P0SE0 AS DOCTOR Surgson's Csse Contained a fist of Thieves' Teols, of Which Hs Hsd Made Use. Two detectives In East New York, searching a neighborhood from which had come a report of burglars, encountered en-countered a distinguished looking man with a Van Dyke beard, a professional profes-sional air and a black surgeon's bag with gold tetters on it. "Uood morning, morn-ing, gentlemen," said he, offering an engraved card. "1 am Dr. Leo Brew-ster, Brew-ster, and am unable lo find a house on this street from which I received a telephone cell to attend an urgent case. Could I ask you to direct me?" The detectives replied that they were sorry not to oblige, but were too busy hunting burglara to look for sick people. The doctor walked briskly on his way. Before be got far the detectives ssw a man look out of his front door, as If he might hsve been expecting a doctor. Tbey shouted after af-ter Doctor Brewster. In stead of stopping stop-ping be began to run away. After a vigorous chase the detectives captured cap-tured htm and found that bis surgeon's sur-geon's case held a fine outfit of burglar's burg-lar's tools. |