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Show Abraham Articles Under the direction of Prof. W. 11. Jones and Miss Daisy Dulinis, Nov. 2-1, the school gave a grogram and dance for the children and parents. Each part was rendered well. Thursday evening a program was given lv the Ward at the Abraham hall. Ai'tere the program pro-gram a dance, at which the best dancer was awarded a prize. Mr. Elmer Fullmer and Daisy On Hois were the lucky ones. Music was furnished by Mrs. Hoy Bills and Co. All was a decided success. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Tuchs entertained en-tertained the needlecraft and families at a Thanksgiving dinner, din-ner, Nov. 25. Every body enjoyed en-joyed themselves. We are glad to see the Need-ham Need-ham Brothers again among us, after an extended visit at the metropolis of the state. Last Saturday a fine big baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Reid. Mother and baby ba-by are doing well. The Ward Reunion celebration (that should have been held Dec. 19th.) has been postponed until Jan. 1st. East Sunday afternoon at the L. D. S. Church, people were pleasantly surprised to have among them as visitors, Messrs Morris and Blake, of Hinckley. Mrs. Soules of Salt Lake, has come to Abraham to visit with Mr. Lake for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bills were in Delta Tuesday on business. Mrs. Robert Fullmer has returned re-turned home from Payson, where she has been visiting her mother. moth-er. Mrs. Madsen, of Payson, arrived ar-rived in Abraham last week for an extended visit with her daughters, Mesdames Houser and Fullmer. FOR SALE: A brand new X-ray X-ray Incubator, or for trade for chickens. For further particulars particu-lars see or write C. M. Cochran, North Tract, Delta R. D. No. 1, Box 86 d9-23 |