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Show DO YOU NEED A KIDNEY Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not recommended recom-mended for everything, but if you hav k irlney. liver or bladder trouble, it may be found Just th r-rne,y you need. Hwamp-Itoot maki's friends quickly because be-cause its mild anil immediate effect 1 fm.ri realized in most cas'-s. It is a gentle healing herbal compound a physician' prescription which has proved its great curative valiip in thousands of the moat distressing cases according- to reliabU testimony. All druggists in 60c and $1.00 sizes. You may have a sample size bottle of this always reliable preparation bv Parcel Par-cel Post, also pamphlet telling about It. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, K. Y.. and enclose ten cents, also mention Vilb paper. Adv. Merrv Cl.rishna and , a .lnil n,, """enibran. The unson for r'' ' , .Oniton Uonnt c.. 1 f you lv.forao""' re,me,,er. the year, now i tho tnn ( ,(nr(1,tvniHldurablethmg Our store is brimful o!.,.tr nnd jewelry suitable, diamond, wiitchc. L provided generous-(or generous-(or remembrances. Hiiuu'hti-rs and . ly for sweethearts. wivo Moderate prices, little (or the men mid !'- Write, teleplione or cJl- BOYD PARK MAItERS"OF"jEWELW FOONPfD I8G2 SALT LAKE CITY Wc Pay Cash for Alfalfa AND OTIIliK S15KDS Mail Siimples and iet Our Best Offers Blackman & Griffin Go. OGDEN, UTAH WnUTCn WEN AND WOMEN. Now is the WAHTFP iwC-to lcrull.e '"'TsZcMr"i hers in ureal demand. Special rule now open lor sc. days" un!, short time reared. Tools furnished miri commission paid " ' ri Com inR. Call or rile Moler BnLer School. U Commercial Com-mercial St., Hall Lake City. Utnh. Not Gray Hair, but Tired T.yem make us look older than we are. Keep your Eyes young; and yotl will look young. After the Movies always Murine our Eyes Don't tell your age. |