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Show Santa's Secret PJ'Sly S'fl I'VE got out of. bed, just a xSl minule, i"J-!?y To te" y0"-1'1' whisper It S5p5Sa low 5n.vJW The stockings I've hung by the lire Are for me not mamma, you know. For mine are so awfully little. Dear Santa Claus. don't you sec? And I want, oh, so many playthings. They won't hold enough for me. V K. f$? ?i So I want you to remember And fill these as full na you can, Cause I haven't been very naughty. I And you've been such a nice, kind man. . I'd like a live doll. If you please, sir, That can talk and call me "mamma." ' Not onp that ts full nf old sawdust, Aa all my other dolls are. Mi 3 fL ! Short But Useful. 1 The Christmas tree does not live long, but its short life is a useful and ; heautiful one. i! Holly Scratches j ji By HARVEY PEAKE i NEVER look a gift in the cost mark. . Ail that glitters is not diamonds Mistletoe makes the heart grow tonder. The gift deferred maketu the heart ; ji sick. I; Belief in Santa Claus is the best ; 5 policy. !; It is a wise merchant who knows his ; 1 own goods when they are brought ' ! back for exchange. ; To give hideous giffs is human, to ' ! fcrgive impossible. ! ; - Gifts make the man, the want of ' ;! them the fellow. ;j One Christmas bargain makes the ; 1 whole of womankind spin. !; Christmas bills are stubborn things. ; Santa Claus is not' as red as he "19 ; painted. ; Buy gifts in haste and repent at ', ; leisure. 1; Uneasy lies the head that's trying to I ; make twenty dollars buy forty ; I; Plta ; And thereby hangs a etocking. ; Every Christmas tree must stand on ! !; its own bottom. ; I; Gifts are seldom wbAt they seem. iff Jfe jIl The Christmas Card. About a hundred years ago the first Christmas cards were used. Thes were printed in London and consisted of a visiting card with the words "A .Merry Christmas, ' printed on it Later the cards were made with a lit tie scenery on them and a picture ol the robin. This bird was used be cause he is called the English Christ mas bird, and also "The Savior's Bird' on account of the old legend regard ing its red breast. From this tim( on the cards became more numerou and of more varied kinds. A A little knowledge is a danger- x ous thing, especially on Christ- j: S mas eve, when a kid discovers e ? his father acting the part of j: r Santa Claus. I |