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Show ' SNAPPY FACTS " ABOUT k) RUBBER fWp A gallon of latex is about one-third rubber and two-thirds two-thirds water. GR-S, the synthetic rubber now used In civilian tire manufacture, requires more time In being fabricated ot I factories. With the equipment and labor shortage, this means that the Industry has a tremendous problem ahead of It to make the 30 million new tires scheduled for -1944. Back In 1823, when rubber I shoes were shipped here from Brazil, the were not made according to sizes or for left and right feet. Just thick rubber coverings that were stretched over the regular leather shoes. They were solid in winter, gooey In sum mer. B.EGoodrich WOMAN OVERCOMES HER CONSTIPATION ! "Once Took Laxatives 3 or 4 Times a Week' She Says I Are you, too, a disappointed "doser"? Then read this unsolicited letter I "I'd started working nights, and with my way of living changed around, I soon found I wan taking 3 or 4 laxutiveB a week, and feeling terrible. Then I henrd about KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN through your radio program, 'The Breakfast Club.' Since taking my dNy helping of ALIBRAN, I am regular an clockwork. Thanka for what your ALL-BRAN hnn done for me I" Mrs. Myrtle Wood, 274 Baumanviile BU Akron, Ohio. Yes, it does seem like mapic, the way KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN helps so many people. "Gets at" one common cause of constipation . lack of enough dietary "cellulosic" elements! That's because ALL-BRAN ALL-BRAN 13 one of Nature's most effictive sources of these elements v.'hich help the friendly colonic flora fluff up and prepare the colonic contents for easy, natural eliminationl KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN ALL-BRAN is not a purgative! It's a gentle-acting, "regulating" food I If your constipation is this kind, eat KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN regularly, reg-ularly, with milk and fruit, or mixed with other cereals. Drink plenty of water. See if you don't find real helpl Insist on genuine ALL-BRAN, made only by Kellogg'a in Battle Creek. Get into Action For Full Victory! |