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Show Deseret LUCILLE SAMPSON Mr. and Mrs. LaMarr Dewsnup and Mrs. Nola Warner spent a few days in Ogden. Mrs. LaVern Johnson and son, Errand, from Ely, Nev., are visiting at the home of Mrs. Josie Moody. Arland Ray Crafts, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crafts was hospitalized hos-pitalized two days this week for a sore throat. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilken and Ted Wilken and family from. Han-na, Han-na, Utah, are visiting a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Mace. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parsons and family from Siguard, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Mar-ion Black. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Western from San Diego, Cal., had a brief .stopover .stop-over in Deseret on the way to Salt Lake City. Mr. Western -was on a five day furlough before being sent to Japan. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Western of Salt Lake City and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Black and family while here Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Conk and girls have moved back to Deseret. They have had employment at Too ele. The Deseret Relief Society held their annual St. Patrick's Day party par-ty and program Tuesday, March 13. The program and games were furnished by Lucile Smpson, the lovely lunch was by Therza Webb, Mabel Black and Ava Bennett. Decorations De-corations by Jerry Black and a big birthday cake was made by Pres. Mryle Bennett and Rose Dewsnup. As it is 74 years since the Deseret Relief Society was organized, a large crowd attended. J. L. Hales, A'fton Chamberlain and two boys from Cedar Fort spent the week end at the home of Matilda and Roy Hales. Sunday J. H. Hales and Matilda Hales were honored at a big birthday party as it was 'both their birthdays. birth-days. Being brother and sister, J. H. was 87 years old and Matilda 79. All nephews and nieces were present at the birthday dinner. Four numbers were given on the program. Mrs. Nora Cropper and Ava Bennett gave a stunt, as maw and paw of the Judy Canova radio program. Mrs. Arprilla Scow played play-ed an accordion solo. Mrs. May Schoenberger gave a reading, "The Housewife's Lament", and there was a piano duet by Jackie Black and Carol Warnick. Games were played later . Eight living past presidents of the Relief Society were honored. They were Grace C. Warnick, Alice Western, Moneta Black and Ellen Cropper, here from Salt Lake City, Mollie Dewsnup, Vada Dewsnup, Myrtle Western, and the present president, Myrle Bennett. Stake visitors were Belva Morris, Ivy Allred, Dolpha Bishop, Thelma Black and Alta Ashby. Pictures were taken of the visiting, visit-ing, who were 100 present, and have made 100 visits for the past three years. Pictures were also tak en of the eight living presidents, and of the present presidency, Mrs. Bennett, Rose Dewsnup, first counselor, coun-selor, La Verne Allred, second coun selor, and Inez Damron, secretary. The family of John H. Western held a surprise party for him Monday Mon-day night, in honor of his 82nd birthday, March 13. There were 42 present, children, grandchildren , and great grandchildren. A nice program was given, then a large birthday cake was cut and served with ice cream. He was then presented pre-sented with some very nice gifts. |