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Show MacArthur Write Bereaved Mother Mrs. Lucille Stephenson, whose son, Pfc. James Eugene Stephenson, Stephen-son, was killed in action in Korea Feb. 4, received this week a letter from General Douglas MacArthur. Written Feb. 19, 1951, from the general headquarters, United Nations Nat-ions Command, office of the commander-in-chief, he said: Dear Mrs. Stephenson: The untimely and tragic loss of your son, James, who met his , death on the 'field of battle in Korea, has shocked all of us deeply. deep-ly. Some measure of comfort may be derived from the knowledge that he died in the service of his country and in the defense of a peace-loving people. I am confident that his devotion to duty, at the cost of all he had held dear, will hasten the day when ruthless aggression shall disappear dis-appear from the face of the earth and free men everywhere will live together in peace and harmony. Our faith enables us to withstand with-stand the shock and grief of death. It is my earnest prayer that Almighty Al-mighty God will sustain and strengthen stren-gthen you in this hour of trial. While the loss of your beloved one will be a hardship, we know that no life is really lost for those who have faith in God. Sincerely yours, DOUGLAS MacARTHUR |