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Show eles for the funeral of a friend. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hayes spent Sunday in Provo looking for a place to live. Their home here is for sale. . , Mr and Mrs. Ray Mills and girls spent several days in Salt Lake They visited in Orem with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark. Mrs. Alene Vest took care of the business while they were away. Mr and Mrs. Dick Hayes and Linda were in Provo with Mrs. Hayes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wal-lace Allen Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larsen visited at the Jerry Nielson home Sunday. Mr and Mrs. William Overson and family visited in Sugarville with friends Friday. Sunday evening Hugh Hilton, stake high councilman, was here with the program for church. Jay Gardner and Mr. Hilton gave talks and Darrel Allred gave two musical mus-ical numbers. A large crowd enjoyed enjoy-ed the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shipley were Nephi visitors Monday. Frankic had a dental appointment. Fred Greathouse and Marlowe Nielson made a trip to Cedar City last wek to investigate a new type well. Mrs. Clarence Hogan returned from Los Angeles after a three weeks visit with her daughters. Mrs.. Eleanor Nielson, Mary John son, Rhea Whatcott, and Billy Niel son enjoyed the meeting of the Delta Garden Club Monday evening. even-ing. vx LYXX DYL BY MARY TQHNSON Tuesday evening following MIA a farewell party was held for Ray Wilkins, who joined the navy. Ray was accompanied to Salt Lake City by his mother and two sisters, Linda and Enla. He left Salt Lake City Thursday evening for San Diego. Mrs. Bob Pendray is home again convalescing from a major operation oper-ation at the Holy Cross hospital. Mr. Pendray was home from Provo over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ogden of Provo made an overnight visit at the home of their daughter, Lois McCardell and family Wednesday. Mrs. Tress Terry of Cedar City and Mrs. Marilyn Black of Deseret visited in town with friends Friday. Fri-day. Mrs. Terry told of the approaching ap-proaching marriage of her daughter, daugh-ter, Joyce, to Walter Forster of Cedar City. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Overson and sons, Ralph and Keith, drove to Hoi den Saturday for a day's visit with their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Christ-ensen. Christ-ensen. Miss Gladys Banks was home from school over the weekend. Sunday evening a group of young people met at the home of Connie Johnson 'for a Fireside Chat. George Chamberlain of Delta, who has spent the past four months in Korea told of his experiences and gave a very interesting talk on the country and people over there. Jay Simpson and his mother, Rachel of Provo, drove down for a two-day visit at the home of Bill and Nada Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Coleman and children of Provo visited W. M. Coleman Sunday. Walter Potts went to Salt Lake Saturday where he entered the L DS hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dutson and Bryant spent Sunday at the home of Clea's parents, Mr. and Mrs Irvin Whatcott. Dave Rosenbaum is in LosAn- |