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Show 40 YEARS AGO ... From the Files BURTNER Mr. T. C. Callister is in town this week working on the telephone tele-phone lines. Burtner now has ten phones and the list is growing. Burtner played basketball Friday with Oak City, and we are sorry to say that we were beaten again. One explanation we wish to offer is that our team has never had anyone to show them how to play the game, and that is a great disadvantage dis-advantage to the players. Mr. Frank Wood of Holden is building a nice residence on East Clark street. ABRAHAM Mr. and Mrs. John Alvy of Burtner Burt-ner spent Sunday here visiting with Mrs. Alvy's mother, Mrs. M. J. Hansen. Last Tuesday evening the people met and organized a Abraham debating club to be know as the Twentieth Century Debating Club of Abraham. The dance Friday was a failure, owing to the fact that the manager mana-ger nor the musicians never showed show-ed up. OAK CITY Jos. S. Anderson has imported seven head of Aberdeen cattle 'from Iowa. They certainly look good and aught to convince others that nothing but the best pays. John Lee Anderson has his large water wheel now on the mill site. The wheel is of steel and sixteen feet in diameter and weighs 9000 pounds. This will furnish power enough for his saw mill as well as light up Oak City. DESERET The weather appears to be settled set-tled and farmers are busy preparing pre-paring and seeding the ground which is in good condition. Sunday services were well attended at-tended and two very good sermons were delivered by Elders Orsen Erickson and Nels L. Petersen. OASIS A very delightful surprise party was held at Mrs. John Styler's last Friday night in honor of Miss Blanche and Wila Church, who have been here spending the winter win-ter and expect to return to their former home at Provo Bench. From all reports a very interesting evening even-ing was spent. Our brother, Mr. William Bennett Ben-nett .seems to be doing a good business. He is shipping a half beef to Joy every few days. This is the way, hustle your trade. |