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Show Leamington MABEL HARDER Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dutson and son of Provo visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dutson. Mrs. Burton Hanson returned home this week from the hospital. She spent a few days recuperating at her folks' in Sutherland. Floyd Bradfield, Keith Nielson, Rich Finlinson and Dean Harder accompanied Lyman Finlinson of Oak City on a field trip to Ogden on Wednesday and Thursday. They visited Geneva Steel, Peterson Brothers Bro-thers Here'ford farm, the Continental Continen-tal Bakery, a large creamery and feed lots. Clinton Nielson, Kenneth Nielson and Marian Nielson met with the county commissioners . on Wednesday Wednes-day in Fillmore. Marian and Kenneth Ken-neth returned to Fillmore on Thur.; day to attend a rainmaking meeting. meet-ing. This rainmaking proposition is receiving quite an impetus in this section and a meeting was held In the schoolhouse Monday evening to discuss the possibilities of getting get-ting this done. Mr. Joseph T. Finlinson has been in Salt Lake City the past several days attending stockmen meetings While there he was guest of honor at a family dinner on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finlinson. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Nelson and girls from Delta spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rich Finlinson. Shirley Grygla is recovering from a tonsillectomy performed in the Delta hospital last week. A. M. Harder Marian Nielson and Fred Greathouse of Lynndyl drove to Newcastle, Utah, on Tuesday to see the well-digging outfit discussed discus-sed in the "Utah Farmer". |