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Show CONSTIPATION GONE-FEELS GONE-FEELS LIKE OLD SELF "For the past 3 years I have eaten ALL-BRAN every morning for breakfast. It's no mean trick for a man my age (73) to -.ju,.m,jttinli,kn be regular. Thanks ' to ALL-BRAN I x am." Wm. H. Tem- plin. Sr., 124 Brown ' vf St., Watseka, 111. ; One of many an- i solicited letters from J1 " ALL-BRAN users. 'J5'' I If you, too, suffer "" from constipation due to lack of dietary bulk, eat an ounce (about cup) of crispy Kellogg's ALL-BRAN ALL-BRAN daily, and drink plenty of water! If not satisfied after 10 days, send empty carton to Kellogg's, Battle Creek, Mich. Get DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! Bevoro teghs From Cosnensn Cclds That KZAL'G OS Creomulsion relievespromptlybecauss it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden Ehlegm and aid nature to soothe and eal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. CHE0f1ULSS0N nliavM Coughj, Chest Coldi, Acutt Bronchitli Don't Talk About Troubles; Gorrcct Them Says Mother When many folks get to feeling badly they just don't know what to do. They fret and stew around, tell their neighbors, their friends and their family how badly they feel and they usually do feel miserable. miser-able. But they . . . , , don t help mat- . . , ters any by tell- ' 1 ing other folks a j; 1 how badly they ; J s feel all the time, v - ! because most J j folks don't want I to be around . '- I them when they . 4 act that way. f . f s, j ample, take r rl t Mrs. Zina Lee ii iii.anMni.. i J Bowman, Route 6, Clees Ferry Road, Nashville, Tennessee. When she got to feeling badly, she began be-gan taking HADACOL and found that by taking HADACOL she gave her system Vitamins B1, B2, Niacin Nia-cin and Iron in which she was deficient. de-ficient. Here is Mrs. Bowman's own statement: "I was so weak I could hardly do my housework. I am 30 years old. I am the mother of 9 children. I was so nervous I hardly hard-ly wanted the children to speak. I had to rest after I got breakfast and before I cleaned my house. I have taken almost 4 bottles of HADACOL, and I feel fine. The children can make all the noise they wish, and it doesn't bother me. In fact, I join them in their ball games and other games. We are a happy famil", thanks to HADACOL." If your druggist does not have HADACOL, order direct from The LeBlanc Corporation, Lafayette, Louisiana. Send no money. Just your name and address on a penny pen-ny post card. Pay postman. State whether you want the $3.50 hospital hospi-tal economy size or $1.25 trial size. Remember, money cheerfully refunded re-funded unless you are 100 satisfied. satis-fied. Adv. 1950, The LeBlanc Corporation. Kidney Slow-Down May Bring Restless Nights When kidney function alowa down, many folks complain of nagging backache, headaches, head-aches, dizziness and loss of pep and energy. Don't suffer restless nights with these discomforts dis-comforts if reduced kidney function is getting get-ting you down due to such common causes as stress and strain, over-exertion or exposure ex-posure to cold. Minor bladder irritations due to cold, dampness or wrong diet may cause getting up nights or frequent paassgea. Don't neglect your kidneys if these conditions condi-tions bother you.Try Doan's Pills a mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 60 years. While often otherwise caused. It's amazing how many times Doan's give happy relief from these discomforts help the 15 miles of kidney tubes snd filters flush out waste. Get Doan's Pills today' .. Doau's Pills DO YOU HATE and cil HOT FLUSHES? Do you suffer from hot flushes, nervous tension, upset emotions due to functional "change of life' (38-52 years) that period when fertility ebbs away, when embarrassing em-barrassing symptoms of this nature na-ture may betray your age? Then start taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. No other medicine of this type for women has such a long record of success. Taken regularly. Pink-ham's Pink-ham's Compound helps build up resistance against this annoying middle-age distress. Truly the woman's jriendl Note Or you may prefer Lydla E. Pinkham's TABLETS with added iron. Any drugstore. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND |