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Show BY MARY TOHNSON Mr. and Mrs. Phill Nielson and Mrs. Eleanor Nielson spent Thursday Thurs-day in Spanish Folk and Provo. Mrs. Sephronia Eroderick of Los Angeles has been visiting here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Lake. Mrs. Mary Johnson and Ross, returned re-turned home Wednesday after several sev-eral days visit in Los Angeles with her folks. Mrs. J. Alma Banks visited in Milford for several days with her daughter, Mrs. Maurine Miller and family. She returned Monday bring ing her granddaughter, Joy, with her. Bob Pendray had his sisters, Miss Edith Pendray and Mrs. Nellie Rowe of Eureka here with him Tuesday and Wednesday. Satur -day Bob and sons, Jimmy and Bob- hio flmvp -tn Rait T.akp Cit.V to visit Mrs. Pendray, who is out of the hospital now, but will remain in Salt Lake for a week before coming home. Kirt Roper of Provo came down for a two day visit with his daughter, daugh-ter, Mrs. Sam Vest. Lee Shipley brought his wife home from the Delta hospital Friday. Fri-day. Norine is feeling better each day. Mr. and Mrs. Olen Sheriff and children drove down from Center -ville and spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sheriff. They brought the new gTanddaugh ter down to show her off. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bowers of Milford visited Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ches-ter Bowers the past week. Mrs. Lucille Johnson has had her mother, Mrs. Casen of Cedar City here with her. A large group of parents enjoyed enjoy-ed the day at school Wednesday at Delta. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc Cardell were Provo visitors Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Whatcott visited vis-ited in Kanosh Sunday after attending at-tending the Sunday School Convention Con-vention at Fillmore. Scott Howlett their grandson has the measles. The Sunday evening services at church were under the direction of the Relief Society. Pres. and Mrs. June Black were in attendance. Talks were given by Pres. Rhea Whatcott and Mrs. Hazel Sheriff. Scripture readings by Laura Brad-field, Brad-field, Mary Talbot, Mary Smith, Rayola Turner, Hilda Thompson, Marilyn and Bob Nielson. Mrs. Black represented the stake board and she and Pres. Black spoke. The Singing Mothers sang "If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments". Com-mandments". A large crowd attended. at-tended. , Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith and Emily Em-ily Ann returned to their home in Salt Lake City after a two week's visit here with Jim's mother. Jim has been here convalscing from an operation. He was to return to work Monday. Ray Wilkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Wilkins, went to Salt Lake City Friday where he joined the navy. Ray will report for his physical phys-ical Thursday and will be shipped from there to San Diego for basic training. He will be honored at a farewell party following MIA meeting Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lile Johnson visited visit-ed in Sutherland Sunday afternoon at the Bert Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Nelson were here Sunday for the naming of their little grandson, Randy LaVar Dutson. Also were Mr. and Mrs. Leland Koper who see their little granddaughter, Cynthia get her name. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Grayson Roper. Miss Molly Mills was home from Salt Lake with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills over the weekend. |