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Show Economical Cougl, j Relief! Try Thl$ Home Mixtun No Cooking. Maket Bj To get quick SrSfj,in. ,.rS coughs due to colds, mix this '"X 1 kitchen. .', First, make a syrup with 2 tUD. 'I lated sugar and one cup of water N needed. Or you can use corn iyruoo??iil '' honey, instead ol sugar syrup vanm .; Then get 2J ounces of Pine, ,, " druggist. This is special torn ""! ', proven Ingredients. In concentraiTl1 ' ' well-known for iu quick action on and bronchial Irritations. hfl ',i Put Pinex into a pint bottle, td with your syrup. Thus you make ii n of splendid medicine about four i " much for your money. It never .JI"" " J tastes fine. ,po1 Wi .., And for quick, blessed relief t t. '., tng. Vou can feel it take hold in , means business. It loosens phlegm JL 1 Irritated membranes, eases sorenesi ll'i breathing easy, and lets you ... , 1 sleep. Just try it. and if not pleati " 'l money will be refunded. ' FOR EXTRA CONVENIENCE GET am READY-MIXED, READY-TO USE P"J Vmm SLEEP VCH'J ESa CG&IEandYC ; ill! FEEL GLUfl l Vs$ Delicious : Cfcewing-Gum Lnxafin 1 liSl REMOVES WASTE -:! NOT GOOD FOOD I When yoa can't sleep reel awful because you need a laxative as millions do chew fetn-a-mlvt Doctors say many other Uxatlta '( taken in large doses, start their "flmk. "" lng" action too iood , . , right In tk. stomach where they often flush k i nourishing food you need for peD m energyl You feel weak, tired. But gentle feen-a-mint Is differrii V Taken as recommended. It works chimin chim-in the lower bowel remove ,! ! waste, not good food! You avoid tiii weak feeling you feel fine, full of.. "I lifel Get res-A-MiNTI25f.501oroiili) hSK. fAMQUS CHEWING-GUM LAXATIVE . S -;i BEST VOV 'CORN ch-h:h:U-i-h.-i:hih ufem P -so easy with SMm?rl JV-jj- r-fi-r-, , i, I & TWt A T m ' s ' ' 1 2 h ' J,' ' '," ' f ' I 1 , t wvfll !i inf." ji- m , VSALTED PEANUT-CHOCOLATE CAKeY V:L ' .. . . ..J Emulsorized Snowdrift makes it luscious with 3 minutes mixing! - No creaming! No egg-beating I beating time only. With electric Everything goes in 1 bowl. These mixer use "low speed." Scrape "3-minute" Snowdrift cakes are bowl often; scrape beaters after -a extra rich extra tender and stay 2 minutes. '' moist longer! White, creamy Add- J cm ; " Snowdrift is a Joy to use in any ' r 3 . . cake recipe. And it's especially 2 1"ar unsweetened made for modern quick-method chocolate, melted, cooled recipes. So for luscious flavor, be Beat 1 minute. Pour batter into ' j. sure you use pure delicate 2 greased 8-inch layer pans, lined 11 Snowdrift be SNOWDRrrr-suRE I with plain paper. Sprinkle hi cup SALTED PEANUT-CHOCOLATE CAKE ggSSTpSX A Snowdrift Quuk-mttbod rtcip mt0 batter. Bake in moderate Coarsely chop: oven (350 F.) about 35 minutes. 1 cup salted peanuts CooL Frost With- i. Sift together mto a large bowl: 2 cups sifted cake flour DARK CHOCOLATE ICING: Melt 4 1 teaspoon soda squares unsweetened chocolate, t Vi teaspoon salt combine with 2 cups sited con- , r fectioners sugar, tsp. salt, 3 . . . ' cups sugar tbsp hot wateJ. and mp Snm. Ada. Vi cup Snowdrift fZrit. Blend welL Add 1 and .iflj 1 cup buttermilk 1 tsp. vanilla and beat until "l 1 teaspoon vanilla smooth and glossy. Frost cake. ii Mix enough to dampen flour. Decorate with chopped peanuts. Beat 2 minutes. If by hand, count f u J I . sifCV 1 WOaaraQWedbyrrJ WHEN GOOD TASTE COUNTS- HMlsekMI'!!lV ApKfei 5 MADE BY THE WESSON OIL PEOPLE 5S , - h ( . s I If Peter Pam knots you up with (" ' Contains up 1 f 3d.lyoa t.b-m.1 !.." :$ j, ft- tllliS u. w n tW I ; rub ifrl E OR'SINAL BAD ME ANALSESIQUE &J |