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Show I local news) HH an i i i 1 1 ii i -i , a H A COLUMN OF WHICH EVERY READER IS ASKED H TO CONSIDER HIMSELF OR HERSELF AN EDITOR J Almost nil tho Logan and Cache J valloy boys that nre stationed at Fort M l)oug!as were here yesterday and Sun- J lny visiting relatives and friends. J Hoy's Coveralls 40c at Newbold's, J the clothier. adv. 9-C. HHj Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert M. Smith J spent the week-end at Rcxburg, hav- BH Ing gone there to participate In the BBJ annual celebration at that place. HH J. II. Larson nnd Parley Rlchlns, BBJ who have been cattle merchants In BBk Cncho tho past few years, havo do- BBF elded to move to Ogden, where they BBJ expect to enter the feeding business. HHj H Mrs. Ilcrtha Kcclea of Ogden, H widow of the Into David Eccles, was HH named ns n member of the board of H regonts of the University of Utah by H Governor Bamberger. Sho succeeded H Col, Illchnrd W. Young, who Is now H In service with his regiment. B nUY IT NOW 7 per cent cumul- BBJ atlvo preferred stock in Beet Qrow- BBJ cr's Sugar company. For particulars BBJ ceo Falmer nnd Graves, Hotel Eccles, BBJ Logan, Utah. adv. 0-0. BB1 BBJ Mr. A. C. Carrlngton, student body BBJ president of the A. C. In 1916, lias BBJ lcen made dean of the extension dc- BAl partment of the University of Utah. BBf This Is a big advancement for Mr. BBf Carrlngton, and we hope he makes BBl good. hV B List your rooms and houses to rent H with us. We guarantee to get you B n renter. hhv BBJ LOST lletween Logan and Gar- BBJ land, a tiro rack containing 2 Ford BBM tires with covers, also number plate BBj .1119. Finder leave, notice at this BBJ offlco and bo rewarded. adv. 9-6. HH B Sunady, at the home of Mrs. J. C. m Larsen, in tho Seventh ward, a family m dinner was served, tho faintly having B gathered from Salt Lake, Cove, Low- BBf Iston nnd Dayton. There were about HBM twenty-six persons present, Including H Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Larsen, Jr., Low- M iston; Mr. nnd Mrs. David Nash nf R Dayton nnd family; Mr. nnd Mrs. B W. Larsen and family of Salt m Lnko; Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Larson and m Miss Hazel Larsen of this city. The HHl reunion was a most pleasant one. HHB B A pound-loaf of bread for fivo contB m Is what Food Administrator Hoover B expects to give American housewives BBB within two months, HHK BB8 A. D. Hendricks of Itlchmond, tho HHB real ealulo merchant at that place, M was In Logan Saturday. Mr. Hend- BB ricks and S. F. Thomas, who were HHl partners, havo dissolved partnership, B Mr. Tliomas having decided to move H to Twin B 9 HHl Mrs. Vera Armstrong, of the Cache BIB Valloy Floral Co. on Federal avenue, pBBk would liko to do lior share to help HHHr win the wnr and has conceived the V idea that much could bo done In this HBB city and county by starting a "trens- BBB nro and trinket" fund. In England HHH n "silver thimble fund" campaign HHB brought together enough silver from BB discarded hilver thimbles nnd trink- HHH cuts, when melted down Into real HHH iiionoy, to launch fivo motor hospital HHH boats for wnr relief In that country. HBB Tho Idea of u "treasure and trinket" BBBJ fund Is not now with Mrs. Armstrong, H SCHOOL TIME I S " M SHOE T I M E HHH Have Them "Royally" Itehiillt. H koyai, siioij repairing co. BBBJ 7 Main Street. - Logiui, Utnli. BBBJ v- , BBPB) i BBM IhhhhhH hhVJbhhhhhhhhV but she would like to assist and do all she can In such a campaign. A day iihould bo set apart, and It Is sure to result In good. Tho undertaking would be a worthy one and should bo given every possible encouragement. encourage-ment. James I). Thomns of Salt Lake visited In this city over the week end, guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James II. Thomas. I'. A. Thatcher nnd family have been visiting in Logan the past couple of days. Dr. S. D. Thatcher and Lewis Edwards Ed-wards were among thoso who spent Sunday and Labor day In Logan with friends from their respective posts at Fort Douglas. m David Cox former B. Y. C. and U. A. C. athlete, Is organizing a football team at the fort. He Is connected with tho 43rd Infantry. i WANTED Thirty men at 40c per hour, nlno hours work. Also 10 men with teams, six dollars per day. Inquire at this olllco. adv. 9-G Prof. Lewis W. Larsen of the Un-nlveslty Un-nlveslty of Utah has been visiting his parents In our city for a few days. Prof. Larsen is teaching English at the big state school. Ho Is a graduate gradu-ate of the B. Y. C. Since graduation hero ho has done graduate work at tho University of Vermont and tho Unlveslty of California at Berkley. Tho Cache Stake M. I. A. chorus under the leadership of Prof. Sar-donl Sar-donl will open its winter work Wednesday Wed-nesday Sept. 6 at 8 p. in., Instead of Monday Sept. 3rd, as nt first planned. plan-ned. It Is very Important that all members bo present ns tho executive execu-tive committee has tho winter program pro-gram to submit for your acceptance. Logan will havo reason to be proud of Its Mutual Chorus. Inquiries come to this offlco every day for rooms and for houses to rent. There nro a few persons who list their rentable property with us and as a result they begin at once to got returns on same. Thomas J. Gregory of Cove was a business visitor In Logan on Saturday. Satur-day. Moroni Lowo of Grace, Idaho, was In Logan on Saturday on his way to Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Parkinson spent over Saturday In Logan shopping shop-ping and visiting with friends. 9 Tho Illalr Motor Company has delivered de-livered n new Dodge Roadster to Hanker Georgo Y. Smith of Smith-field. Smith-field. This machlno will bo used in 'getting tho cashier to his new bank at Trenton every morning boforo tho opening hour of 10 a. m. 9 Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Diinko, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilosco C. Gwllllam, Joseph Scowcroft Sen, and Joseph Scowcroft Jr., Vivian Eccles, Ellen Scowcroft, Juno Scowcroft nnd Paul Wattls all of Ogden nnd Leland Swaner of Salt Lnko were in Logan Saturday, guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Horace G. Nebekcr. Tho party was on Its way to Hear Lake, milking tho trip via Logan canyon. DR. E. J. MERRILL I OSTEOPATH i 127 East Jlrd North. Treatments by Appointment. ? J Phono 217. ' Dr nnd Mrsr I. S. Smith spent over Sunday In Gentile Valley where they went to visit with Dr. and Mrs. V. III. Smith, They were accompanied on tho trip by their family. Otto Jensen who has been engaged with tho Metropolitan Llfo Insurance Company In this city for a long tlmo, 1 has accepted ns assignment In Ogden ; where he goes ns a deputy superintendent superin-tendent for tho Metropolitan. I Mr. OweiiB of the American Automobile Auto-mobile association has glvon nssur-ance nssur-ance that Cache Valley would be placed on the new route map which is soon to be designated by tho Arrow Ar-row Head route from Los Angles to the Yellowstone Park. ItOOME FOIl IlENT. 357 North 1st West. adv. 9-4. Actors nil aspire to the farmers, according to Robert Edeeon, tho star of "The Light That Failed," produced pro-duced as a Patho Gold. Rooster play from Kipling's celebrated book and to be shown at tho Oak theatro again today. An unlquo test of the strength of a Goodrich Brown Inner Tubo was made the other day by John and Jim tho two largest elephants in the Rlngllng Brothers Circus. Harnessed Harnes-sed with heavy chains a regular Goodrich 35XGV4 tube was placed between be-tween them, and the elephants started start-ed In different directions. When the tube had actually stretched eight times its regular length there was a snap, and Jim gave a loud bellow of pain, as tho valvo end of the tubo hit him. Tho chain had cut through the tough rubber and the sudden rebound re-bound was not altogether to tho elephant's ele-phant's liking. FOR RENT Two bungalows. See Dahlo & Eccles Construction Co. Phono 63. adv. 9-4. ' 9 Mr. Lester Jarvis, one of the Aggies' star athletes, has been engaged en-gaged as a clerk by Hnrry T. Stoney. Prof. Chas Reese of tho B. Y. C. has returned from North Dakota, where he has been selling knit goods for the Union Knitting factory. He reports having had an excellent summer sum-mer In disposing of knit goods. Russell Bernston and Glen Neeley, two B. Y. C. main athletes, were In town Sunday talking over the athletics athlet-ics for the coming school year. They will not return to school until later In tho fall, probably October 15. Prof. Alfred Durham Is moving Into In-to the First ward this week. Geo. Torgenson and his family havo moved up the canyon for a short stay. t Harry Stoney has Just returned from Salt Lake, whero ho purchased a big lino of sporting goods for tho fall trade.' ' Earl Harper of Smlthfield, Howard Geddc8 of Logan have signified their Intention of going with tho first quota of drafted men from Cache county. They will leave about tho 10th of the month. Cache county's quota of the first allotment to go is three. Tho aherlff stated yesterday, he did not know who the other ono would be. Tho above volunteered to go with the first contingent. Sidney Hovoy, who has been engaged en-gaged in the court houso the last couple of years, has accepted a position po-sition with tho First National Bank. Jack Shaw has severed his connection connec-tion with tho Logan Oarage and has taken up tho Insuranco game with tho Beneficial Life of Salt Lake City. Logan was pretty quiet yesterday, the occasion belng Labor day. There .wore but few people on tho streets, most of them being In tho canyons or remaining nt homo to enjoy tho day with their families. A cast of remarkable excellence supports Mabel Taliaferro In her Mo-tro-Kolfo featuro photodrama, "A Magdaleno of tho Hills," which will bo seen at tho Lyric theatro again tonight. to-night. William Garwood has tho leading part opposite tho Btar in this screen drama by Harry Clmndleo, directed di-rected by John W. Noblo. |