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Show H Farewell Reception. B Friends Gather at Presbyterian M Church to Say Goodby to B Smiths and Engles. B At the I'lcsln u-il.ui chinch Friday M evening Mi. awl Mis I. N. Smith H and Mr. ;i ml Mis. .1. F Kugle were m given a f.i ii'v.M-11 icccptiouciu thelrde- B parturc Inr California al an early B date. Tin' allan vmisoiu- of tl'lrcmost B enjoyable cvei held at the church B and was certainly a glowing testl- B inoiilal as to I In1 alTcctlnn anil esteem In which these dcpai tine families aie held by that circle of friends which knows them best. Anions these friends and associates aie ninnbcred many of Logan's most tlioioughly 10- lined, ciiltnied and talented people, a large number ol whom were present The piogi.un was lathci Inlnrmal but none the less successful and en Joyable. I r .lames Cochiau, Miss Edna lilnn, Miss Kllubclli Smith and Mis. Ilexell fuiuislied Instrumental music: Mis Kee'.ei, Mis. Clciucusou, Mks Kyle and Mis. Ilexell were highly pleasing in ipiaitettes, Mis. Ceo. II. Champ gave an excellent reading Miss Linn and N. It Mooie sang, an N. i;. t'lemenson t;nc a humoious speech on "The I'aitinguf Hie Ways." Following the piogratn came luficsh- incuts and a continuance of the even- Inn's pleasutes on Hie part ol a goodly uuiiibei until an earlv hour of the morning The chinch had been very taslerully decoiated with com- fortable chaiis and couches, and as a whole nothing was left undone that could hae added to the pleas- iircs. lie Rue leaving, the friends ex- pressed to the dopaitlng families their sinceie icgicts and extended hc.tiltcst good wishes. Mr. and M is. Smith have been icsl- dents of Logan for live years, Mr. Smith being the head of the New .leisey Academy during that time. m Though at the head ol a sectaiiau school, Mr. Smith's sense of justice, fairness and rlbt, and his disposition to attend strictly to his (hmi business lias enabled him to make many fi lends amoiiK tlie "Mormon" people and It gives us pleasoie to state that we have heaid 1 10111 iliem kindly woic's as to his conscientiousness and general woitli. Mis Smith has no feuei friends than lias het husband, and certainly both will be sadly missed. H They c,o to Loiik lleach, California, H Mr. Smith h'iiiiK up school woik to J emjatje Inothei business. H lr .lohu l''ianklin Kiilc has held the chilli of "lliston" at the A 1 1 - uilluial l oIIckc foi the eais. coiiiiiik I hero ftom the O'ilen IliK'li School whole his service bioiiKlit him to the 1 attention or tin A C trustees. He 1 has ter-u emliii'iitly successful in his work and Is ncncraiy rc'Karded as a scholar and .1 gentleman. He is a student of sociology and economics and goes fiom licit- to the California State I'nlvcisit) to follow up tils re-seaichcs re-seaichcs along that line For some time past he has been engaged in writing a book on "Ituial Sociology," which lie hopes to linlsli within a couple of years. Or. Knglc Is also a a graduate in luw and has been admitted ad-mitted to the I'tali bar He leaves the Agricultural College with the ie-sped ie-sped and good will of his associates, and in Logan leaes many friends who wish him naught but good. Mrs. Kngle has a circle of fi lends who will miss her gicatly lloth she ami Mrs. Smith have been active In the club and social life of the oily. That these people may llnd In the "laud of turners" that which Utah could not otrer them Is the hope of their friends. |