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Show GIRLS DEFY OLD-TIME HOODOO. Number Thirteen Has No Terrors for Bold Damsels. Thirteen jouiik women In another clly openly defied superstition the other day in a loom decorated with skulls and ctoss bones, about which stalked two black eats, while open umbrellas um-brellas and ladders made the situation situa-tion still more Critical. For the last two years twelve of these women have been looking for a thirteenth who should be willing to pledge herself her-self to become a member and follow the cluli In its vagaries. A week or two ago (on a Friday), as luck would hn-e it) they found her In the person of n schoolm'am. On the strength of this Impotent find the Thirteen club was organ!:'"d (of course on a Friday) ni.il proo- led to pass thirteen b laws (secret ones). The next thirteen m'"iites weie given to the serving of refreshments, the mentis being shaped like rolllns, with appropriate decorations decora-tions of the skull and cross bones kli'd. Thirteen games of euchre were ployed, and, ns if to give tho lie to )et another onerablo superstition, the winning cot do weie both married women, when everybody knows that "luck at cards Is unlucky at love." |