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Show SUNDAY SCHOOL I CONVENTION. I I Many People present who I Enjoyed Program. I Good Talks Delivered by I Visiting Officials. I I The District Sunday School Convcn- H tlon held In this city Saturday and H Sundaj attracted a large number of H Sunday School workers from Cache ! Valley and Southern Idaho, and the 'H general report is that all sessions were H both enjoyable and constructive. iH There were represented at tlicconveu- H tlon Cache, II) rum. Benson, Malad H and Oneida Stakes and a conservative H estimate places the visitors at 790, H among these being many of the pro- inineut people from the various com- H munltlcs, H Tiic program was cairted out prac- H tically as had been arranged and pub- iislied in pamphlet form. The first H session was held In the tabernacle H Saturday evening. After a song ser- H vice lasting a half hour, Supt. J. E. H Cailislc, of Cache Slake, gave an ad- H ih ess of welcome. H Elder Horace Cumiuhigs, W. A H Martin, and C. F Olson weie the H were the principal speakeis at, the H Saturda) evening session. AH of these H talks were of deepest Interest, Mr. H Olson's effort being exceptionally H good. The Sunday's sessions were held at H the Brlgham Young College and dealt H with the practical side of Sunday H school. Exercises b) kiiidergartuers H weie very enjoyable, the little chil- H dien showing the icsiilt of patient H training. There was so milch good H work done on Sunday hi the various H departments that It is impossible to go Into any detail. H The Sunday evening session closed H the convention. Dr. J. M. Tanner, H W. A. Martin and Eldei Summerhais H occupied most of the time and were H highly pleasing hi their icmarks, H One of the pleasant featuies of the convention was the excellent music by H the choirs. Geo. D. Pyper, of Salt H Lake, comes in for a share of piaise, H also. His splendid teuoi voice de- H lighted the cougiegatlons at various H Woikeissa) the convention was a H splendid success In eveiy particular. I |