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Show H In writing of Mr Fred Turner, and H In reference to Die lease which the H llrm of Mooie At Turner has on Tin: H Hki'uiilhan plant, "One Who H Knows" sajs "As soon as his lease H on the Looan IlK.i'i'HMCAN expires H his name and Influence will not be as H large at) the minutest speck on the B surface of a pin." The present lease H held by this firm ends on January ill, H 1007. For the benefit of the writer H and any others who may be concerned H It may be said here that unless an all- H wise Providence sees lit to icmovc H either one or both of the Mini to an- B othei sphere, Mr. Turner and Mr. HI Moore will at the end of that lease and for years thci carter be in a position Hi to command as much and even mote Hi tntlucncc than at present. W" slate HI this merely as a fact, without malice Hi aforethought, with naught but the J idea of right, justice and fairness in J mind, and leae It for "One Who Knows" and any others interested to const me as they see lit. |