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Show I BUYING RUBIES IN BURMA. Grips and Sifjns Used In Bargaining (or Precious Stones. Tho pi-ru liar business methods of oriental nurrhaiils are Illustrated by tho manmr of buying tuMi- In norma, nor-ma, sajs the Jewelers' Circular Wiekly. In the examination of rubles artificial light is not used, the merchants mer-chants holding that full sunlight alono can bring out the color and liillllancj of the gems. Sales muit, therefore, take place bet wen Ham, and 3 p m . an.; the sl must be clear. Tho purchaser, placed near a window, win-dow, has before him n large copper plate. The sellers come to hlni ono by one .mil ench empties upon tills plate his little bag of rubles. The pur chaser proceeds to arrange, tjteni for aluntlon In a number of small heaps. The first tlhlskm Is Into three grades, according to sle; each of these groups is asaln dIMded Into tlitee piles nc cot ding to color, and each of these piles Is again divided Into Hnee piles according to color, and each of these piles Is again dlxlded Into time Rtoups, according to l-hnpe. The blight copper plate In-- a cm Ions un The sunlight reflected fiotn it tliougli the tone btliic.s out with Irue rubles a color effort dlffeieut fiom (hat with ted spinels and tour mallnes, which ate thus easll) separated. sepa-rated. K gaS 'I l.o bujer and sell-r then go thioiigh a ery peculiar method ol bargaining by signs or rather grins. In perfect silence. After agreeing upon the fairness of the classl leal ton. the) Join their right hands, cocted with a handket chief or tho Hap of a garment, gar-ment, and bj grips and iiiessuies mutually uudetstood smr-g all these drains thej make, inodlf.- and accept proposals of purchase and tale. The hands nie then uncovered and tl prices are lecorded. |