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Show AT THE PADRE'S GRAVE. Early Teacher of Christian Truths Sleeps Well Without Monument. A little motion beside the wall, a wooden cross renewed from tlmo to time, ns though somo brother turned nn hour glass for him who sleeps below, be-low, tho common' flowers of tho field or bit of grass, or native roso or violet, vio-let, tho symbol letters of his faith, these are tho outward tokens or tho pndro's grave. No costly tomb to boast achievements hardly won, no stilted ostertntlon of his rank, no wot Id acclaim for this, a lowly son who gave his Hfo that Christian peace might reign whore ghoulish rites and Indolence had been. His deft hand defined tho woy and taught tho blessings bles-sings of an unseen Joy, ns tho culture of his bout increased his skill. Ho needs no monument of stone! Tho datk-skluucd tribes ho taught aro hero. Their legends tell how once ho lived to bless them. And generations genera-tions yet unborn will kneel before tho shrine his art adorns nnd his faith mrio real. Los Angeles Times. |