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Show The Elks at Provo. H While the gathering in Piovo June HJ 15-1D-17-1S Is a reunion or all the Elks HJ of tho State, jet a cordial invitation HJ to attend is extended to all of the IH people of the State. Elaboiato pic- jHJ paiatlous arc being made for the en- HJ tcrtaiiiment of thousands of visitors iJ and evciy v isltor, vvhethev Elk or not, HJ will lecclve a heaity welcome, and HJ cveijthing that can be done will bo H done for the comfort and entertain- HJ of each aud eveiy person within the c HJ gates of tho Gai den City. It will bo IH a gala time for all and we hope none fHJ will feel that they will not bo wel- ,'H come because they do not happen to 1 HJ bo ldentllled with the Elks organlza- V HI Hon. " ' Tho Major, City Council, and tho 'H Commercial Club of Provo have join -HJ cd us In our efforts to make this oc- HJ caslon one of tho grandest social HJ events in the history of the State. HJ We will have four dajs of Hlgtv H Class Entertainments Loop-the-loop ' HJ twice each day. Baloon ascensions H each day. Vaudeville 'and other shows HJ running day and night. Parades, HJ Band concerts. Miners Bock Drilling , HJ contest and other attiactlons too H numcious to mention. H Ifyo don't want the blues come. H If jou want pleasuie, happiness, HJ health and the grandest social tlmo t HJ jou ever had, come. HJ Exclusion rates on all roads. Seo ", HJ large posters. ,H Respectfully, HJ Executive Committee. H |