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Show ARROGANCE OF THE RICH. New York Millionaires Fence In the Public Domain. Most of the very rich New Yorkers now own their own private hunting grounds In tho Adlrondacks, in Maine or In tho Carollnas A great many nro members of clubs which own such territory. The Vnuderbllts, tho Rockefellers, Rock-efellers, tho Morgans nnd tho Drex-els Drex-els nil hnu preserves, In splto of tho democratic Idea that unused land belongs to nil, they fence off a fow hundred square miles whorover nn-turo nn-turo has been particularly bountiful, erect "Do Not Trespass!" slgnB, cm-ply cm-ply wardens and guards In livery with londed guns In their hands to keep off tho public nnd make of tho most beautiful beau-tiful and luxuriant spots In America private hunting grounds that nro as carefully preserved as over tho royal forests wero In tho early days of Norman Nor-man Kings. |