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Show Notice. t The semiannual conference of tre High Priests quorum, ot the Cade stake of Zlon will be held in the B. Y. C. building, Logan, Sunday June 14, at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. A full attendance ot the members of the quorum la desired. A 1 saints and the public generally are. invited Edwakd W. Smith, , Samuel Holt, Benjamin M. Lewis, Presidency. Republican National Conveitien at Chicago. ' Excursions via Oregon Short Line and Overland Rmittt -lune 12, 13. 14, and 15 Limit June 30. See agents for taH-N imrl fimln-r particulars Truth in Advertising Tli maru truth you put in advertising advertis-ing the stronger It will be. A promise made must be kept, because no business busi-ness can be sustained by dishonest methods. The confidence of people may not be abused without a reaction. Once lose It Is never regained. Some misstatements are made and It will take a generation to kill that lie. We tell the truth when we say we have the greatest bargain ever offered In the way of a piano. It is on show at otlr Store window 1200 WILSON MUSIC CO,. 13 South Main street. Estray Notice. In the City of Sm'lthfleld I' have In my possession the following follow-ing described animals, which If not claimed and. taken awav will be sold at public auction to the highest cash I bidder at said city of Smlthtield on I Saturday the, 13th. day of June, at ' 1 p. m. One bay work horse about 8 years old, weight 1500 pounds; branded lazy T on the left thigh. One brown mare 3 years old, white strip in face, left hlno toot white, weight 900 pounds, no brands visible. Impounded June 3. Fukd Gyllknskoo. Poundkeeper. I 1 SALE STILL ON FOR FIFTEEN DAYS'! . I g Silk Ladies' Suits and Skirts - HALF PRICE All I I 20 Per Cent Discount . ?8r 1 I and : Dress 8 fe 111 On Silks, Corsets, Table Linens, Silkalines, Drapery Goods, Curtain A . fe Ki 'j JSCKBlS Swisses, Lace Curtains, Couch Covers, Bed Spreads, Quilts, Hosiery, GOODS fe Bj fe q m Garments, Muslin Underwear, Silk Petticoats, Kimonas, Children's M i R " J Oil White Serge Jackets, White Japanese Silk Shirt Waists, Ladies1 Wrappers "4 Oil fe ONE LOT LADIES' WASH DRESSES 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON 10 PER OENT DISCOUNT ON 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON C Ej R AT HALF PRICE BABffiS MUSLIN CAPS. LADIES' GINGHAM AND WHITE APRONS BLACK LAWNS. H fe ONE LOT OHDIDREN'S WASH DRESSES SILK MULLS AND FLORAL EFFECTS. 1 r PFI, nFT RnmiKT nv BLACK DOTTED SWISSES, ,fe H.LF PE.OK 7 in. 65o d 7c. M Pric. 45 bJTTIEL MD B"K "" g ; to ONE LOT LADIES' PLAID AND STRIPED ELEGANT LINE SILK GINGHAMS. SUPPERS ALL COLORS 0NE L0T LADIES' OE COLLARETTES Kt r5 SILK WAISTS AT HALF PRICE VALUE 60c. SALE PRICE 35 AT HALF PRICE r BJ fe JAPANESE CREPES, VALUE 20c. 15 PER OENT DISCOUNT ON 10 PER 0ENT DIS0OUNT ?N 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON fe H' fe SALE PRICE ,.... 12y2 SIDE ABOARD SCARFS, LUNCH CLOTHS, LADD3S WHITE LINEN SUITS AND CHILDREN'S UNEN JACKETS fe- K jg 0NB L0T CHILDREN'S CAPS 25tf DOILIES, LINEN CENTER PIECES. LINEN SKHtTS. Colora Blue, -Pink and White. Ages 6, 8, 10 g V; ; gj ALL OU1ING FLANNELS, VALUE DOTTED TISSUES. VALUE 50c. 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON g H PS lEc aud 12i2c, SALE PRICE .... 10 SALE PM0E 35 CHILDREN'S WHITE DRESSES, FROM 1 LADD3S LACE WAISTS '''1 fl ELEGANT LINE OF STRIPED AND 15c GINGHAMS 12Mi TO 5 YEARS. FINE EMBROHDERY 10 PER OENT DISCOUNT ON fe K . jfe, CHECKED SILKS, VALUE$1.35. 25 PER OENT DISCOUNT ON , TRIMMED. LADIES' WHITE WASH WAISTS. fe. Bl IS SALE PRICE 85 m pJXt msnmmT on 0NE L0T CHILDREN'S WHITE DRESSES 0NE L0T HAND BAGS at 50 g B ?ILLsCpTcSeV.AL!E.7B0: 50, ""SiSiSSr0" at 25 PER cent discount laces and embroideries I H, ISfe PILLOW CORDS. VALUE 50c. 10 PER OENT DISCOUNT OH 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON PHEBES . "" '''"'" K H, " S S. 35S JESK"? 15 PER OENT DISCOUNT ON " N.t2.U cu.10 E B 15 PER OENT DISCOUNT ON ONE LOT CUSHION TOPS. VALUE 75c INFANTS' LONG imESSFB W M ife WHITE LAWNS AND WHITE WAISTINGS and $1.00. Sale Price 50 INFANTS LONG DRESSES. WHITE UNEJX SUITIN0Si RED BLA0K g W M '1 10 PER CENT DIsC0UNT ON ONE LOT CUSHION TOPS. VALUE " 15 PER OENT DISCOUNT ON AND BLUE DOTS, VALUE 25c. g H j 55 LONG CLOTHS AND NAINSOOKS. $1.00 and $1.25.. Sale Price 75 SHEETINGS AND PILLOW TUBINGS. SALE PRICE 17 k fe ONE LOT WHITE WASH BELTS. ONE LOT CUSHION TOPS AT 20 10 PER OENT DISCOUNT ON JAPANESE CREPES. VALUE 30c. fe H to- VALUE 25c to 50c, Salo Price .... 10 ONE LOT PEARL BUTTONS AT 5 CANTON FLANNELS. SALE PRICE 15 flfe I E LI AS ON SISTER' Si HI |