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Show I"" DON'T WALK TOO CL'.OSB tJLaK Hh If illi of our oats or other grain and -9afli Hnl vll feed unless you Intend ty give JJsJMfrtiy JB spend (or condition powders TfcTeirNvlEov5 Save your little clucks. Fresh ffM""v'NvNVO0 Tomato plants and garden T. I. Poulter Produce Company Bell Phone 444. j. ... .j : The Hansen Realty Company : LOGAN, UTAH. 5 . ' i 5 If you want snaps in Real Es- : : tate you can get them from us ! 5 WE ALSO WRITE : 2 Flro, Accident, Llablllty.'ILIfe.l Sickness, Casualty. 2 Plate Glass, Steam Boiler, Burglary andJLIve Stock J 3 Insurance. We are agentsjfor some of the best In- . surince companies in theUnlted States. Z' t INSURANCE THAT INSURES 1 : The Hansen Realty Company : BELL PHONE 412-B 2 I Closing Out a Line of Boy's Suits All Sizes, Regular Price from $2.50 to $3.50 j " ! Sale Price $1.39 1 : ! Also a Line of Children's Suits, Regular prices $2 25 to $3 50. Closing out price 11.50. All this sorlng's goods. Don't miss this opportunity. 3 ! SPECIAL 1 : 50 Pairs of Men's and(Youth's 1 i Pants at $1.25 Per Pair at .... I I H.G.HayballMercantiteCo. TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITH Ailc for and try once BLUE BELL Couth Syrup. PU Rrady, Man'i Pln Liniment, or BLUE BELL Stonuch Tablcti, Diarrhoea, Croup, Nerre, Couth, Hay Fever end Catarrh, Blood, General Tonic Bright Sunabine, Heirt, Worm, Kidney, Headache, Summer Complaint, Soothing TableU tor Children, Liver, Female Regulator or Qulmy Tablcta. FOR SALE BY THE CITY DRUG COMPANY. t You Can't Afford To Miss The Great Business Boosting Sale at I OPPOSITE THE TABERNACIX Sale Starts This Morning Tying her bonnet under her chin, She tied her ravin ringlets in; Then to the store she weni with ue, Fot Hollister's R'.oky M (ur.t:iic Tea. 'Riter Bros, P.nig Co. , r Cures dizzy spells, tired feelings feel-ings stomach and. liver troubles, keeps you well al summer. That'a what Hollister'.s Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Try it nnd you will always buy it 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Riter Bros. Drug Co. IGENUINE CLOSING OUTj 1 : I pSALEnij I Having made arrangements with our factories to sell direct to J customers, we will discontinue our store July 1st and must H J sell all Pianos in stock. Everything goes regardless of cost. J ' I S I I Pianos that were $500, now at $300 ,1 Several that were $450, now at $28o ' Some that were $350, now at $25o I 2 Organs that wers $90, now at $55 I 2 Edison Records that were 35c, now at 20c I J Anyone who intends to buy a Piano this year should not over- J :; S look this great opportunity. We will still sell Pianos but won't S have any store. This will cut down our expense. There will j be no more goods sold at our store after July 1st, so don't think J S this is like other sales for we mean business. All Pianos and :V Organs MUST be sold and if you haven't the money we will (M J give time. TERMS: One-Half this fall and Balance next J 5 fall; or $25 down and $10 per month till paid. Organs taken in' S w.M S exchange. Our store for rent, starting July 1st. rS : s 1 j Hobfes' Music Co. b'A j Excursions to Pacific Coast. Dally June 1st., to September 15th Ask agents for particulars. United Commercial Travelers Con vention Salt Lake, June 18, 10 and 20. It) duced rates via Oregon Short Line See agents for dates, rates and limits. You should be there. DRESSMAKING AT HOME I C - M " A helP'u' monthly Fashion publication, "X -s :9 :' m v with two May Man on Patterns free. rc. a v V ' " WjB Mr.7 r.an':C3 " until June .00 p.'r year thcr. cr. ftay f&lTitOIl , 'VJ? II W A(ldJ, rrK- A ', B ' PA,-TIirlNS DRESSMAKING AT HOME PUB. CO., PATTERN 5 il i ... MASONIC TEMPLE, CHICAGO. ... iW U ALL U ALL J I im ,5! ". 5WS0 B1?iV A wf Wlls1, " "M ' 'M 596S Child's Dre, 2-4-6 ytm. 34 to 4 bust. m,d,um ,, T rtri, ot toriw atrt -fl For th. four-rr 4u wtl b. nqutrad IH TTi. quntltr ( iMLrtel riulrl for lh. 24 lnch wj, or TVi yhtto at plain m.tartel 'jH If not convenitnt to call at one of the many stores selling MAY MANTON PATTERNS, a pattern ' " f any one of the garments shown above will be mailed to any address on receipt of 10c.; by letter mail,) " 2c. extra. ' - "iV-B Vrlte name-correctly, state sire and number accurately. ALL Patterns mailed the day orders are received. tv $W Fashion Sheet of Latest Spring Styles on Request ' 7.H MAY MANTON PATTERN COMPANY, , M Hweolc Temple, Chicago, 111. 132-142 West 27th Street, New York vJ'h Mfl a M t& LS |