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Show Dance for Tabernacle Organ The danoing party at the Pavilion last Saturday evening was well attended at-tended and one of the most enjoyable of the year. It was given by the ladles lad-les or the A. C. Woman's Club. Mrs. Frank W. Thatcher was the chairman chair-man of the committee and had as aids Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs, Perry. Many of the club members mem-bers had sold over thirty tickets apiece and so the Pavilion was as well filled as If thctcollegcs were still In session.' A new feature was Introduced in dividing each dance Into two parts by a few seconds of promenading. This Merry Widow dancing fad promises to be as popular with dancers as tho hat Is with the ladles. , Among those present from out of town were Mrs. Dr. Mnrrcll or Ogden and her brother, Mr. Thomas McKay, Mr. and 'Mrs. Clyde Squires or New York, Mr. Sel-den Sel-den Olawson or Salt Lake, Mr. Mattl-son, Mattl-son, Miss Nora Ellason, and Miss Loa Roberts. The club after paying all expenses were able to turn over 9115 to the organ committee. |