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Show ' OUR POLICY. M; ' We have received several enquiries m with regard to the future policy of ' Tiik Loo an Rhi'Uhlioan. Many fear E U that with the departure of Mr. Moore M- the literary tone of the paper and the i i strength of the editorials will decline B and that it may become narrowly ec- m H cleslastlcal In its sympathies. It is m already more than a month that the H new management has been In control H and people are now In a condition to B.' Judge for themselves. Not only has m t' our subscription list Increased lately H i but we have received many compll- fments on the exuellence of our work and have had no complaints from any , church for lack uf fairness of treat- aaH H merit H j-jf The majority of the stock Is at pres- H 1 K ent held by Fred Turner, J.-A. Hen H ) u drlckson, W. V. Maughan, A. A. Law H , k' and Joseph Larson, and the first three H ' f also hold the lease. It is their Inter)- H r tlon to have Tiik Rkpuiilican con. H & tlnue to be the best country newspaper H ', In the intermountaln region. They H y will employ the best available talent H and make it In every respect a read- H h able, newsy sheet. H Ik The political policy of the paper will H ?" be emphatically repubUcao.4' We have V Jr-' uTayindmlredA-tfie principles of H .. Roosevelt afa shall continue to ap- H , plaud them whether represented by H '$' him or by his probable successor, Taft. H )i We hope thus to dispel any lingering H ( doubts with regard to our devotion tp M if. the republican party In the minds of H 1 1 those who think they have not been H H " served with strong enough republican H, doctrine In the past. We shall be the H' Si defenders of all persons belonging to H vl the republican party and the special, H w champions of the representatives of H vv the various precincts and the chair- H j men of the county committees, pre- H )s ferring ihese legally elected racu to B '.'- any special ring or clique that may H ;f arise within the party and wish to H- tit run It regardless of the rights of others fr'! or the wishes of their constituents H nP" At the same time we reserve the right H pf. , ' to crltclse for malfeasance otllceholders H 1 1 of no matter what party, In order that J the best available men may be selected H .j for otllce. Our editorials, while up. H.)W holding republican doctrine, will thus H'W' Elve comments on national and local H 1H politics, on the events of the day, and H M thp Interests of the city and farm. B ' I TVc shall stand for the schools and col- LLH ' v leges of the valley, for the home In-1 H ; dustrles, for the social and religious H f life of the people of Logan and vlcln- H " Hy. We shall continue our regular H j., correspondents in the various towns H about the Intcrmountiui region and thus keep In touch with what Is going H '' on amohg our neighbors. aaal B V Such being our purpose we trust ' that Tjik Rki'uiilican will commend ,V Itself to all by the amount of Its news ! antl the excellence of its work, so that K the subscription list will double and Hl every man want to have Ills own copy Hf t kccp on flic. A flic of the local w newspapers Is invaluable for future i reference and those who borrow their HI neighbor's copy have to deny them- Ht selves this privilege. As for a man B wll "swipes" his neighbor's paper 'fi ff0ln ,lls ard, we have nothing but Hvk contempt for him and would gladly Hlv turn him over to the law, |