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Show Kennedy a Laxative Honey and Tat Cures ill Cough, and expoU Colds from iatayitm by gently 010 vino ,Ve bowli. H i ' r I I THE NEW METHOD I it will Save our Customers Hundreds and Thousands of Dollars. H I lJr have taken all our agents off the road and EWARE of the Agents who always sell AT I kW all expense of horses, wagons, wages of trav- Wo win deal with a class who do not care to bo ML COST, very often showing you the invoice I eling men, hotel bills, etc, will be cut from the prices SK; which has been marked up by the factory just to of our PIANOS and ORGANS and given to the people. l tces B001 and trick you, and when the agent settles with the fac- All pianos and Organs must be sold at the Store. furnish the instrument with g Our customers must come to us. Our new plan will Aff A 4. r ' ' tory he gets a discount from $50 to $100. Lookout almost place an instrument in your homes at the Ail Agents Commission for tlje affCnt wll0 jIas sod tnree pjanos today and 5 WHOLESALE PRICE. Our prices now will almost Knocked Off . , . .. : ,, I startle you. We will furnish almost any kind of an ivnocKeo n. slx yesterday, because very often you will find that I Organ or Piano you desire. We will handle ten dif- Your note never passes out of our hands. Dur- the R. R. Company has not brought him six Pianos B ferent makes of the BEST PIANOS and ORGANS in log tho eighteen years run wo have never sold our J to 1 the United States Pianos which snmeCnmmtesion customers' notes. Wo pay spot cash for everything, in the last six months. If you are not an expert in 1 . . u". uniitu oiiii". 1 lanui. which some LOmmiSSIOll and you get the bencllt of our experience In close J l m a Agents nave sold tor $4oo.oo, we will sell now for buyinK n makes no diirerence if you do not intend Piano construction it will pay you to hold every H 3 $200, Cash. Almost any kind of eaSV terms VOU may to buy for five years, please call and let us explain B eH H (locirou'lll hi iri-mitoii w ,i..K4- if i-4-! a .wn- ous NEW MKTIIOD. We will not hang onto you cr aoent strictlv to the truth I 1 PJ UCSire Will ne granted. WC doubt if a Harris Agent bore you. From now on wo will do business on such iumiiui) lo un- iruiii , m PeVer calls on you again. a small margin that wo cannot alford to chaso after I . vou. The largest music company In tho United ti (mk States Is following this method. Why should not ffi v' rrrfl55 tlio largest muslo company In tills part of the stato 1 iri115511 do tho same? Our prices and easy terms must draw illllllllH &l .. II' S if Harris WLusic Company M ' "''Cii' T f TUT VTA TT T" T C" eH 1 jflfck 1 l U By C. M. HARRIS. W-:M 7-Vju I |