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Show MR. BLANK STILL WA8 AHEAD. Aspiring Politician Had Covered Ground Pretty Thoroughly. A .minister and a lecturer who had spent many of their younger days together chanced to meet recently, re-cently, and at onco began to review the good times they had enjoyed in times past. Ono had been a Republican Repub-lican nnd the other n Democrat; they were running for tho samo office but neither had nny money to put into the campaign, nnd consequently conse-quently had to work their popularity for nil they were worth. Tho preacher concluded that tho best scheme was to pet the children, tell them they were nice, nnd in n general gen-eral way give them n good jollying. They would, ho thought, bo sure to tell their parents nnd so impress the malo ineiiihers of tho family that ballots would bo cast for him on election day. When ho recognized it little girl in whoso family thero were several male members whoso votes would bo acceptable, ho stopped stop-ped and chatted for n while. "You certainly arc a nice little girl," ho said, "nnd I am going to give you n stick of candy." The little lit-tle girl took it. "Oil, Jlr. Ulank," said the littlo girl, mentioning his rival's name, "gave mo n bag of candy." Tho minister was not to bo outdone by his rival. I teaching into his pocket ho pulled out a penny. "Now I am going to give you something that Mr. Blank didn't give you," ho said, "I'm going to give you a penny." "Mr. Blank gave mo n nickel," replied re-plied tho littlo girl, as she took tho penny. This was more than tho politician had bargained for. "Well, I am going to do something some-thing that 1 mn suro Mr. Blank didn't do. I am g.ting to kiss you. And before she could resent it ho kissed her. After recovering from her surprise the lilllc girl remarked: "Yes, Mr. Blank did kis3 me. And ho kissed mamma, too." That ended tho discussion. |