OCR Text |
Show MICROBES IN INK SPOTS. Tho lntcsl senre launched against I he microbe-haunted humnn race is the danger that lurks in ink spots and blotters upon which ink has diied. To be sure this i-ourco of infection in-fection enn affect only those who aro sufficiently educated to write in ink rather than in pencil, but who knows whether we bhnll not before long bo signing An io Brown (her mnrk) to an nntisc"tienlly piotcclcd cpistlo if this continues," rather thnn subject sub-ject outsell) j to tho dingers which lurk nbout our hitherto unsuspected desks. It is really fortunnto that telephones luivc done nvvay to such nn exic nt w ith social correspondence nt least. As n dear old lody said the other day, "My dear, how much nicer it was when we didn't havo any germs I" |