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Show I LEWISTON AND THAT VICINITY H LKW1SION, March nO.-Li'Wlston M h.is lukl pretty well under water since m Monday, the 2Gtli. Kvldciilly wo aro M getting now, In ralu, vvtint according B to all precedent, we should have had, B earlier, In snow. 1 David Egbert returned homo Tuos- B (lav, the Sflth, after an absence of over H iwu jf.irs, about a year and a half of m wnleh was spent In an educational In M s' It til ton for the blind In the city of fl ' 'i iiiiiiiii.i He receives a hearty H . i n Hum Ills many friends, M Jul ii Tcifuid has been chosen to 1111 M I In' iiiisImoii of maish.il, left vacant M In lOd :jiu.:M ivmoval from town. B We hcai that Laura Anderson is fl nbout lo leave her position In the tele- M phone olllcc, and that Cliloo Lewis M will take her place. B Joseph Glover Jr. was In town Tucs- fl day, the UQtli, and reports having met H llf Jucobson on his way from Marys- M vlllu to his farm about eight miles M noilhcast of that town. Ills icport B of cnmlltloiis In that locality U very B favornblu. fl Ouano Mower and Lucllo Lcavltt B were married on Wednesday, the H H Horn, March 20th, to the wlfo of Ed, m Allen, a son. H Horn, March lllst, to the wife of M. M 0 Hell, a son. B Urbther M. Hawkeswood Is thought fl to be at the point of death. |