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Show tils'11'111 cu"""1""" Thursday afternoon. I Tiess Directory 1 1 1AKER & BAKER ATT0nNEY8AANDACOUN8ELORS4 I Collection and Adjustment . Everywhere. 1M Weet Center St., PROVO, UTAH R tj,j,j, 4, 4. 4. I yy I PROF. L. K. STEWART I PIANO TUNER OF PROVO will visit Lehl each month. I I He a student of New England t oervatory and Emerson riano 4 rSery .Boston. Comes hlehly 4 rtcommended from our best raurte- T Uni and music houses of the 4, tut. Leave orders with . 4 JOSEPH F. SMITH "J j 4-4 ' -fr , ? I - OHIROPRAOTIO J "7 I 4THE BETTER WAY TO HEALTH I am In Lekl -i "t Monday, Wednesday and. Friday H ; From 3 to 7:30 P. M. I J. M. GRANT, D. 0. J 4 Phono 113 4 American Fork, Utah H H tt J 3 HAMMER LIVERY h r 4 It Its something tor transfer we. , treat your service. m Bugglea For Hire). "Joeph Hammer, Prop. ! I 1st Weat Street I 4" Half Bloek South Main Street ' I Labi, Utah. I .H..n.4.4... I JT4- 4- ' I N. 0. MALA1T UNDERTAKER and BMDALMHR I J Open Day and Night B t Telephone 18 I , Lehl, Utah. JXJLJ! H . .5.4. . j. 4..4. HENRY LEWIS HJ Notary Public i? franco neal Estate Ba Bonds furnished for anything. Hi ? n. . Representative of I 4 WMtem Loan nnd Building Co. . J a LEW, UTAH B . -fr4- HJ f4"r4-4-4- 4.4.4. J HERBERT TAYLOR NOTARY PUBLIC $ FIRE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE B J People's Bank of Lohi lT"lEa87REET LEH i -LP . 4 4- 4. 1 1 Meats I 1 1 Groceries . Service Lj , . I I Theso arc &Vo sclL Aiid somcQes Vdth , tho mdnts anU gfydories at tho price 0 either of B j- these articles. ' fc M S GOOD FRESH GROCERIES J '. J I ' BEST MEATS J I L. Always Awaiting Your Call. J I People's Meat & Grocery Phone 6 1 MAIN STREET LEHL UTAH fei -- T- - v r ir-p WANT ADS. Advertlslno under this head I accepted ac-cepted at 10c per line for the first Insertion In-sertion and So per line for each subsequent sub-sequent Insertion, payable In advance. Results will surprise you. FOUND Ladietfllk rBcarfc, Call Sun Office. " ". V adv, o i- ' w Pop Corn For Sale HywmYAndor- son, Lehl. 11-16-Bt FOR RENT 5-roomed hou9; Mrs. S. H, Comor. i tlMC2t HOUSE FOR"RENT Soo Oonnlo Wobb Nostrom. 'Il-IG-U HOUSE FOR "RENT Soo Mrs. J. T. Winn, Lohl, Utah. 11-2- o FOR SALE Houso and Lot ' Seo Jay Thomas, Lohl.- I adv. FOR SALE Good Pop Corn. J. E. Mason, Lohl. ll-16-3t For good pleco of farm land at right ' prlco seo A. J. Evans. 9-14-tf o FOR SALE Sideboard, good as now. Prlco f 1D.00. Mrs. Carl Qunther, 11-23-lt -O T Pure Bred Polan China Hogs For I Sale; also somo horses. R. C. Plxton, t Lehl. ll-23-2t - a FOR SALE 3-rooraod lumber houso with pantry. ?C00. Ephraim Jackson, Jr., Lohl. ll-2-4t ' Pearmaln Apples For Sale COc bu. Soo L. M. Larson, Highland, or phono I 14-J3 Lehl. ll-23tf f FOR SALE: Bargain Noarly now ( Peninsular Range, with wator Jacket, j Apply Sun Offlco. 11-23- ( o Tho Comer estato doos not want i tho Goorgo Comor homo rented. Mrs. William Dorton. 11-23-lt i Yellow Olobo Danver Onions $1.25 per hundred, whllo they last. Edward Southwlck. 10-20-tt o FOR BALE Bargain, Jnckson Fork, Hny Rake, Buckboard, Hayrack and Horse. Soo C. E. Johnson or Tel. 142-J. i ll-23-2t o I Taking orders for wlntor applos. Lay in your supply now at 25c por 1 bushel and up. Seo George C. Lovo- rldgo, Lohl. 10-12-tf I o LOST Black mare, 4 years old, 1 weight 1000 lbs.'; has scar on back ' rosombling saddlo mark; star In fore-1 fore-1 head. LeRoy Davis, Lohl. H-lti-tf ) FOR SALE 18 acres good farm i land on North Bench. 18 shares , North Bench and 10 shares Provo i Reservoir wator. All foncod, stack yard. A bargain It taken at onco. Seo A. J. Evans, Lohl, or Tel. 62J. tf I o FOR SALE 10 acres North Bencli I Land, 3 Hoad Horses, 1 Jersey Milk p Cow, 1 Rod Durham Cow, 1 Red Dur- ham Yenrllng Heifer, 1 Calf, 1 Sot j Light Work Harness. 1 Saddlo and Bridle, 1 Bloyclo. Sacriflco prices g'for quick sale. B. W. Gray. ll-lC-2t Bornell Batoman was a visitor at Salt Lake City Tuesday. - Card of Thanks It is our sincoro desire to thank each and evory ono who assisted us during our recent boreavoment for tho many beautiful floral offerings tondorod. Wo aro very grateful for tho asslstanco rendered us during tho tunoral and burial ot our mothor by our many Trlonds. Tho James Harwood Family. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are In a "run down" condt tlon will notice that Catarrh both or ' . , them much more than when they are in PAnn rood health. Thl fatt prove that while LM it Catarrh I a local disease. It Is greatly J Influenced by constitutional conditions. " HAX.L8 CATAIUU1 MEDICINE con- , slsta ot an Ointment which quickly f f - Relieves by local application, and the J UHi Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which aselft r- In improving; the General Health. I j Sold by drucalsta for over 40 Tears. JTlJJC F. J. Cheney tc Co., Toledo, Ohio. J '" ' ABRAMS METHODS dj Blood Diagnosis and J Oscillool&iit Trentment ' - "Will restore yout- health and l avoid operations. Jgf ' '"" R. GRACE STBATTOW j AIREY M M3-S04 Judge Building:, : Salt Lake Oity, Utah 1 Iriteraturo eont freo on request. m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I . 1 i i . .M i i ! i-iibiii .9tmttt e! 4-3b 9 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION '&& (Publisher.) - DEPARTMENT OF THE INTHRIOR l U. S. Land Office at I fcl Salt Lake City, Utah, ( &HL October 23, 1923. 5 Notice is hereby given that Harold f S. Johnson, ot (20 E. Clayborn Are.,) J -s Salt Lako City, Utah, who, oa August j f? 19, 1916, mado Homestead entry. No. ' 1 . 015651, for SNW, NB8W, SMi J SWtt, WWSB, NESB14, SecUoa .J -vl 5, Township 7 South, Range 3 West, m Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice fWty ot Intention to make five-year Praot, iiS J to establish claim to the land above ,'J described, before the Register and Re- ml colver, U. S. Land Office, at Salt Laka 'tfflrs"! City, Utah, on tho 8th day ot Deoaa- fcw ber, 1922. - .'.4 A Claimant namos as witnesses: "Tl Goorgo Hurt, of Topllff, Utah, and f H John Morso, Herbert L. Johnson, J James J. Burns, all ot Salt Lake City, I Utah. 1 7 '2 1 GOULD B. BLAKLBY, Register. v First Publication Novombor 2, 1922. ,Ot .j ' ,tSBTf ,,ii--i i i r Ik ' m HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NEW LINE OF J . ""CAPS '':"i!! THEY ARE MAKING A BIG HIT. . :f .4 Our merchandise is new and up-to-date. 1 Our Prices Are Lower Than Sale Prices. 1 Boys! New Shipment of Jazz Pants are licrQ. j i II Powers Shoe Store THOMAS POWERS, Prop. - J JACOBS BUILDING, FIRST EAST ST., LEHI j Agents for Murray Laundry. i 1 ;. i 1 1 1 1 1 i ii n 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 fi f' ianr SAFETY igBil 1 111 SATISFACTIONS! I alC SERVICE 7 s M 1 i fti (IIIIIMItfeW SlB iSBJ AVJk. iBtSBIJBBBB Ttf .III I? ', S Ad safety g I S PO Because The State Bank of Lehi J S CjfJBfffSy is operateed under proper super- J n 3 JSistSSsL vision. J y SATISFACTION g We make it an infallible rule fa 5 Tho qtata Bank wherever possible to carry out I ' ilf LM to the wishes of our customers to . J f madeconnT their entire satisfaction. I 6 tions, whereby BVTpp Ij J they have SERVICE ? 2 plenty of We will do for you what any i $ money to loan other bank will do for you g I X on farming maybe more. ffl g land. U BJSBBBBBSBBIBBBBir77ST7. TJFjf&dfJfi WJlfAYlT'mlwCwfrifXMrAWk '7'Vfl . 1 n 1 t-JSJBJLfa3iZAssssSMsaiaMaSttUssM W IB JuC H M.)sgsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssWsssssssssssssssssss IH fmmlKBBSt E ill |