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Show SPEEOY RELEA8E OF GllPIIVESlIiED FIVE MINI8TER8 PHEGlNT JOINT NOTE OF POWERS TO PEKIN GOVERNMENT Demand Is Couched In Vigorous language; lang-uage; Declares Missionaries Working Under treaty which Has Been Violated Pokln Measures for tho immediate reloaso of tho forolgn missionaries kidnapped kid-napped by Chlnoso bandits woro do-manded do-manded of tho Pokln government by tho Amorlcan, British, Italian, French and Swodlsh ministers, who acted under un-der instructions of tholr govornmonW. Tho flvo ministers, presenting n Joint noto, cnllod In porson and Informed In-formed executives of tho Chinos ro-public ro-public that tho contlnuod rotontton of tho missionaries In captivity would not bo toloratod by tho powers. Tho powers, it was said, would bo compelled com-pelled to net drastically unless tho missionaries woro roleasod and gunr-antoos gunr-antoos given for tho futuro snfoty of tho hundrods of othor missionaries In China. Tho noto was couchod In vigorous language It doclarod that tho missionaries mis-sionaries woro carrying on tholr work In tho Interior of China under treaties treat-ies which had boon violated by tho abductions. It Is understood that Washlnton Instructed In-structed Jacob Gould Schunnan, tho Amorlcan udnlster, to Impress upon China tho aorlousnoss of tho bandits' activities in detaining forolgnora for Politcal motlvos. Dr. Sehurman protested pro-tested only In bohalf of tho two Amorlcan Amor-lcan captlvos, but Joined tho othor ministers min-isters In a gonoral complaint ngalnst intorforenco with tho treaty rights ot missionaries. Besides tho Amorlcans, tho captives now lncludo ono Greek, ono French citizen, cit-izen, ono British subject, ono SwoiIIkIi and ono Italian. Tho French minister minis-ter ropresontcd tho missing Grook. Tho Italian hostago was Identified as Fathor Grimaldl, who was captured In Anhowol pwlnco and taken Into Hon-nn Hon-nn provinco, whoro about 10,000 outlaws out-laws have boon holding a largo area. Tho others nil aro dotalnod in Homan. Tho bandits lmvo seized tho various national with a vlow of forcing the Pokln govornmont to lncorpornta the bandlla In tho regular Chlncso nrmy. Most of tho Ifrlgnnds nro 'dismissed ooldlors who want rolnstatomont. |