Show o Special Program Tonight Second Ward Missionary Association Arrannlng For Big Time. l As a means ot raising mouoy for tho Second Ward Missionary fund tho officers of-ficers ot tho association aro putting on a special program this ovonlng In tbo ward huuso. A big program Is outlined and Uio various associations havo boon working work-ing hard to porfect tho numbers. Tho curtain ralsas at 7:30 and tho big show will be on. A general Invitation is Issued to tho public to bo prosout. Admission will bo fifteen and flvo cents. Program. 1. Selection Boys Bond. 2. Children Tho Primary. 3. Vaudovlllo Stunts Uoliof Society. 4. Quartet Sunday School. 5. Magic Performances Now York Professor. G. Reading Miss Jessica Bird. . C. Vaudovlllo Porformanco Tho Bishopric. 8. Dancing Direction Miss Bird. 9. Ono Act Farco. Thoro will bo real candy on salo all through tho performance. |