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Show i SPECIAL SESSION OF II - CIJNGFiESS NOW ON if B OIXTY-ONE SENATORS RESPOND HI jf TO ROLL CALL. ACTION BJ.B 18 DEFERRED m r H II ;-" Program of Both Senate and Houso D if Was to Arranged aa to Permit H ' I Adjournment as Mark of II I Respect for Sen. Watson W f Wnshlngton.--Congress convened nl In noon Monday for tho opoclnl session Hi o two wcoks called by President H I Harding for consideration of tho nd- j ministration ship subsidy bill. In both sonato and house, the envoi beginning tho now session dropped a H ' fow minutes attor twelve o'clock and then In both chambers thero follower! H tno usual formalities which attended B tho turning avor of n now page In con. H , grcsslonat history. Tho program on Hh both s'dofl was so arrnngod as to per- Imlt adjournment after theso coromon-les coromon-les until Tuesday ob a mark of ro-spoct ro-spoct for tho lato Sonntor Watson of Georgia and tho lato llcprescntativc Nolun of California. 1 Tho senato was in session only thirteen thir-teen minutes, adjourning wlhtout giving giv-ing an opportunity to Sirs. W. 11. Fol-1 Fol-1 ton of Qoorgla or any new senators to tako tho oath of office In tho houso tho business of getting get-ting untlcr way nftcr tho recess took 1 considerably more time, but tho lend-. lend-. a or deferred any actual consideration J J of legislation until nf tor tho president's J ft nddress Tuesday. Thoro was tho usual HJi vj first day harvest of now bills nnd res-J; res-J; If olutlons, all of which promptly wont IJ.' 1 j to tlio committee, and the oponlng ses-Bj ses-Bj ji Blon was nttended also by 'tho usual H : I noisy outburst of wclcomo by tho gal-IS gal-IS Iff lories to now and roturnlng membora. K IH Sixty-ono senators rospondod to tho H IK BCnato roll call. Besides Mrs. Fclton, ijj a sovoral othor bow senators woro p roll ro-ll 11 Bontctl, roady to bo sworn In. Thoy Ms 1! Included Senator-elect Bayard, Demo-H Demo-H i, crat, Delawaro; George. Democrat, H w Georgia, and Brookhart, Republican, IK 1 town. IH I Mrs. Wlnnlfrcd Mason Huck, present IH to bo sworn In as roprosentatlvo-nt- IB 1 largo from Illinois, was tho centor of Wj H an ovor-movlng group, cugor to meet Wf her. Roprcsontatlvo Alice Kobortson, Bs J dofeatcd for ro-oloctlon, who will go Bfl I! out with Mrs. Huck next March, wart HE I In hor accustomod Boat, dressod film- Ht It ply In black. JIJ I Tho houso roll call Bliowod .201. m P members present. Six new reproscn- V 1 tatlvoa elected to fill vacancies, woro N sworn In nnd tho house adjourned at I ! 12 MO o'clock. 9 ji In conferences botwoen senato and R ; n houso leaders and whlto houso offl. ji J clals It was arrangod definitely for a 1 1 Prosldont Harding to tako his mos- sago to tho capltol Tuesday In pcrsoul i apponrlng beforo a Joint sosslon In II tho hall of tho House at 12:30 p. m. |