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Show Police Baffled Over Explosion Chicago. Police ar0 working on tho theory that n bomb caused tho explo-slon explo-slon and flro In a moonshlno distillery resulting In tho death of three persons per-sons nnd tho Injury of at loast nlno others. Tho explosion occurrod In n mixed foreign quartor of tho city, n melting pot for eloven different nation-alltlos. nation-alltlos. Two buildings woro wrecked. In tho ruins of ono building, which wax swept by flnrnos, pollco and flro men found tho wreckago of two stills. Tho original report of tho flrcmon aa that ono of thp stills had oxplodod. Utor It was'lonrned that former occupants oc-cupants of tho building had bon slain by bombs nnd that throats had boon mudo against tho llvos of fomlllo8who up to Thursday night, lived In tho MtrueUire Tho ground floor of the bulldin?, In which the distillery was located, whs ocauplud by n grocery stnre and tho living quarters of (he man who owned It. |